My clowns


New Member
My clowns stay very close to my power head, and hardly ever move from it. Is this normal?
I have a 55 long, established 2 years ago, They are not alone, I have 2 hermits, 2 snails, a brittle star, a chocolate chip star, Yellow tailed blue Damsel, and a couple green ricordea polys.


My clowns mostly hang out around a power-head also. They sleep behind it! (Though now I have an anemone I hope they move!) Occasionally they'll do a swim-through the tank, and then back to their power-head. :happyfish


New Member
Thanks for the response!
Im glad to hear Im not alone.I have been thinking about getting an anemone, but what kind?


New Member
when i first ever started my tank, the first 2 fish i got wer a couple of clowns, and they done the same thing, x cept they wer near my skimmer, i found that if they are born in the wild they go in anemones quicker but if they are born in an aquarium, the take longer to gon in a anemone. i dnt noe i was told that,

irish rage

New Member
Originally Posted by SnowPlwDrv
Thanks for the response!
Im glad to hear Im not alone.I have been thinking about getting an anemone, but what kind?
I believe BTA's (bubble tip anemones) are one of the easier to take care of, need the least lighting requirements, and will host percs nicely. I'm just going off my research though, so I would maybe pose the question to someone with a little more experiance with inverts.


Active Member
You definately want to think long and hard before getting an anemone. They require pristine water conditions and intense lighting. You would need at a minimum dual 175 metal halide bulbs or 440w of VHO to safely keep an anemone.
In addition, most captive bred clowns (most likely what you have) will never take to an anemone. My percs have been in the tank with my RBTA for over a year and have never paid one bit of attention to it.


yeah...i agree with Grog about the anem. Chance your clowns wont go near it. Mine didnt.
Question: how territorial are your damsels? my perc did the same thing when he was in the tank with only two chromis. (which i didnt think were territorial at all) As soon as I put my yellow tang in there, he came out and swam freely from then on. Now he only returns to his "spot" at night. :happyfish


Active Member
my clowns hangout in the corner of my 125...just near the rocks...they dont like swimming to far out..they were used to being in a 10 gallon nano,...but there in my 125 now...i think there freaked out :) used to that much space! :)


In addition, most captive bred clowns (most likely what you have) will never take to an anemone. My percs have been in the tank with my RBTA for over a year and have never paid one bit of attention to it.
I understand Grog said 'most', not meaning 'all'... don't give up hope tho...
A reply I left a while ago, on a different message:
I just aquired two true perk clowns. Both Tank raised. I didn't think they'ed host anything. Within two days they both are hosting my Green BTA. I also have a pink tip in the tank but they won't get near it. Some clowns prefer different types of anenomes and won't get near others. The stickey at the beginning of this forum explains a few. Better luck overall has been found with BTA's, I'm not sure about the luck with pink tipped though. Don't give up hope. It is really a hit or miss situation, and it could take quite some time, if it happens at all. Mine like to play around in the green star polyps too.
Good luck,

Lately they are pretty much using both the BTA and the Green star polyps....
They kind of have an upstairs and downstairs...The GSP's overhang a small cave the BTA is in. They use both...
At night, they sleep togather in the BTA...well, as much as they can, it's not real big...I think 'she' wins the best spot most of the time...'he' gets pushed out of the bed, to guard the entrance...


mine sleeps behing my filter its so funny when i turn of the lights he wags his little butt up there and sits as close as he can to the air