I have two tank raised percula's who would not go near my bubble tip.. until one day.. my son brought home a clarki (thanks son, but next time ask first, LOL).. anyway the clarki took right to the anemone.. 2 days later low and behold, the percula's took over the anemone and chase poor littlebit out.. then started terrorizing him.. So we had to take him out and put him in a smaller tank all by his lonely before them big bad bullies killed him.. I couldn't move the anemone, cause we only have regular strip lights on the smaller aquarium. I put some pulsing Xenia's in there with him and he's happy... "King of the 10 gallon".. LOL
Same son brought home a goldfish and tossed him into my freshwater tropical tank. I told him first of all.. don't just dump fish in the tanks anymore.. first of all it is stressful for them. yah gotta acclimate them. second of all I like to see whats going in my tank.. and quarantine them first.. and goldfish are a species only, and like cooler water. I told the fish, If it was gonna survive it would have to forget it was a goldfish, and think like a tropical.. Well the goldfish is doing fine and happy as can be. Thank goodness for that. We named her Goldie Hawn, cause she a survivor (Like Goldie in "Private Benjamin")