My clwons r stupid


Active Member
I have had a clarkii clown and a false perc. for over 2 months now with a florida condy anenome and neither of them will host it. MY friend has a tomato clown and just got a BTA and after one day it hosted it. I'am thinking about getting rid of my clowns and damsel(then there will be no fish in my 30 gal reef) and getting 2 maroon clowns and something else, mabe a bangaii cardinal


Active Member
Um, I don't understand... If the anemone will host either clown, what's the problem?
Or did you mistype, and it should have read that the anemone will host Neither clown? In that case, just getting different clowns might not accomplish anything. Some clowns just don't host, period. Doesn't have anythign to do with you or the anemone, they just don't. If you're that interested in having the clown/anemone combo, buy clowns and an anemone from an LFS that have already partnered up.


dont think a condy is their favorite. My very large condy ate a small clown!! I have had good success with LTA and BTA's!


Active Member
yeah iam getting a BTA and maroon clowns (wild cuaght) i herd a wild cuaght clown willl host any anenome


Active Member
um, I doubt that's true. Clowns will only host in their natural host anemones - wild or captive.
Do you know how hard it is to get maroons to pair up? Or are you buying a mated pair?


Active Member
I don't think any clowns readily host in a condi. I may be wrong, but I have never seen or read of a clown hosting in one. The BTA or LTA may be better but I don't think percs prefer either of them either - having siad that I do know of percs that are happy in them.
Another thought is having two different clownfish species sharing a tank and competing for a host may also throw a wrench in your plans.


i don't know that this is true or not because it was told to me by an LFS that i no longer visit. i was told that a clown will not take to any atlantic anemones. they only host in pacific and indionesian (sp?)


Active Member
Originally posted by black99l i don't know that this is true or not because it was told to me by an LFS that i no longer visit. i was told that a clown will not take to any atlantic anemones. they only host in pacific and indionesian (sp?)
For the most part that is true.
Here is a match up with the anenomes in bold being the natural host for each species.
False Percula Clown -Amphiprion ocellaris
Carpet anemone

Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
Percula Clown -Amphiprion percula
Carpet anemone

Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
"Sebae" Clown -Amphiprion clarkii
Sebae anemone

Long Tentacle anemone
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Carpet anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
Tomato Clown - Amphiprion frenatus
bubble anemone

Long Tentacle anemone
Sebae anemone
Maroon Clown - Premnas biaculatus
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone

Bubble anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
Pink Skunk Clown - Amphiprion perideraion
Long Tentacle anemone
Sebae anemone

Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Carpet anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone


Active Member
I have seen a clown host in a condy before but that was only once. It is very unlikely they will.


My clown hosted my condi... however I now have a BTA and he likes that much much better. It took him like a month before he hosted the condi. I guess my clown is just a anemone whore =)


Originally Posted by promisetbg
The clown does not host~the anemone hosts the clown

Thats one of those things I know but its hard to get out of the habbit of saying..
my clown hosts this blah blah. lol
However you are most deffinatly correct. (jerk)


Active Member
I have seen condis hosting maroons at my LFS. FL condis are going to be a bit easier to keep alive also.
So if it were me I would find a clown already hosting with a condi at the LFS and buy them both.


I have two tank raised percula's who would not go near my bubble tip.. until one day.. my son brought home a clarki (thanks son, but next time ask first, LOL).. anyway the clarki took right to the anemone.. 2 days later low and behold, the percula's took over the anemone and chase poor littlebit out.. then started terrorizing him.. So we had to take him out and put him in a smaller tank all by his lonely before them big bad bullies killed him.. I couldn't move the anemone, cause we only have regular strip lights on the smaller aquarium. I put some pulsing Xenia's in there with him and he's happy... "King of the 10 gallon".. LOL
Same son brought home a goldfish and tossed him into my freshwater tropical tank. I told him first of all.. don't just dump fish in the tanks anymore.. first of all it is stressful for them. yah gotta acclimate them. second of all I like to see whats going in my tank.. and quarantine them first.. and goldfish are a species only, and like cooler water. I told the fish, If it was gonna survive it would have to forget it was a goldfish, and think like a tropical.. Well the goldfish is doing fine and happy as can be. Thank goodness for that. We named her Goldie Hawn, cause she a survivor (Like Goldie in "Private Benjamin")