My colt has a problem!! Please help


I came home tonight to find what looks like a huge (silver dollar size) piece of the outer layer of my colt ripped off and he seems to be coming off of the rock that he's on!
I've never seen anyone in my tank bother him and he seemed fine last night. I've been testing my water daily to monitor my alk and pH and everything has been pretty steady and fine (a tad low - pH 8.0 and alk 2.5).
Is there anything I can/should do? We leave for a week on Monday and I don't want to lose him - he's a beauty!


Staff member
Describe in more detail what you are seeing?
Who will be taking care of your tank in your absense? If you leave a tank unattended an a coral dies, then your tank will die with it.
Can you post a picture?


We have a pet sitter watch our zoo. What exactly does she need to look for? I've never had a coral die before.


p.s. in my tank I have five green chromis, 2 ocellaris, a flame hawk, a cleaner shrimp, a fire shrimp, a CBS and a peppermint and a ton of snails.


Staff member
Looks like the coral is spliting [multiplying] and running out of room to grow.
Here is what a dying one looks like.


So, what should I do?? Should I try to frag it today? I've never fragged anything..... If I understand the process correctly (I"ve read fragging the monster) I should cut the stalk on the left in half and place both of those stalks on another rock? Leaving the two stalks on the right on the existing rock?


I can't tell if it's loose - it doesn't look like it's fully attached to the rock, though. I'm about to take the canopy off to do a water change, so I'll go check. I assume you're talking about the left, splitting stalk, being loose?


mine is always real slimmy. It does look wierd at the base but it looks healthy otherwise. I'd leave it alone. Mine is huge to and for awhile it had this funny growth around the bottum. It's hard to tell if it's the same. But it looks good other than that spot.