My coral banded shrimp is missing?


I was gone a week and when I came back my coral banded shrimp was missing. Before I left I thought I had a electronic timer somewhere and I found it, only to be dismayed that it was a two prong. So my last alternative was to take off the hood and let sunlight in ( my tank is by a window). My question is what could have happened, did the lights affect the outcome or not.
BTW it's the only inhabitant in my tank besides a blueleg hermit.


could have been something in the live rock that ate it. i am currently having this prob, i've lost a mandarin, a clown, and just last night i found a half eaten peppermint. keep an eye out.
i doubt if the lighting issue had anything to do with it, or that it got out the tank. possible i guess, but not likely imo.


Coral Banded Shrimps will shed their "skin" about once a month, during the shedding process, the shrimp will stay hidden for 1-4 days. This may be what yours is doing, unless you think it may have been eaten by another tankmate.


New Member
try leaving the sunlight off for a couple of hours. They are nocturnal feedres so watch carefully and hopefully it will come out. It will give your fish a sleep in to.