my cycle does not seem to be moving...


I left my tank in the hands of my mom for this week (had to go back to school) and it has been 5-6 days and my levels are still the same....Is something wrong?? It is 20 gallons and has 32 pounds of rock in it.
These are the levels
.3 nitrite mg/l
3.0 ammonia mg/l


Active Member
Patience my son, the force is with you. Dude, have you not heard the word? Only bad things happen quickly in a reef. Don't rush it, show some patience, it'll be worth it. My cycle stayed in one spot for 3 weeks, it just depends on the little things. It took thousands of years for the natural reefs to be built, we are doing it in less than a year.:D


Well-Known Member
actually you should do nothing. The nitrItes will come down as the system runs.
Do you have any fish in there and are you feeding them?
I would also recommend you add plant life.


Well-Known Member
you might try a pre filter on that powerhead. Would help build up bacteria and clear the system.
But basically you need to let the system run. May take awhile but it will clear up and nitrItes will come down.
I still like plants LOL

bang guy


Originally posted by dcel22
well shouldn't the ammonia come down it hasn't moved????

It's just part of the cycle. Let it run.


Active Member
kip, oh lord lol, whatever you had for breakfast I want some. I was dropped on my head as a child and that kind of stuff just doesn't come to me ;)


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
i am singing Plant Man in my head to theme of Batman
c'mon everyone sing along
your tanks should be fine... sounds like everything is on schedule
good luck
Plant man! -Plant man!- Plant man!
duh de duh de duh de duh Plant man!!!!!!

:D :D :D
Gee kiip thought plants consumed ammonia. Guess I was being too logical ;)


Active Member
Plants? Come on, very few people put macro algea in the main would probably die with amonia anyway. Go to the store and buy yourself a bottle of "Cycle" liquid bacteria culture to help speed up your cycle. It is cheap and helps to seed your tank with the good bacteria that consume amonia and nitrite. It says on the bottle to use twice as much for saltwater tanks. Good luck, Lesley


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Lesleybird
Plants? Come on, very few people put macro algea in the main would probably die with amonia anyway. Go to the store and buy yourself a bottle of "Cycle" liquid bacteria culture to help speed up your cycle. It is cheap and helps to seed your tank with the good bacteria that consume amonia and nitrite. It says on the bottle to use twice as much for saltwater tanks. Good luck, Lesley

I am not a fan of those cycle products also.
And just for the record macro's do not die because of ammonia. Ammonia is food for the plants. Just as is the nitrates in a complete cycle.


Active Member
Let the cycle happen. It can easily take 4-6 weeks for a tank to fully cycle. As stated previously, be patient. It will cycle.
5-6 days is nothing. If you have ammonia and nitrite readings, all is as it should be right now.


Active Member
As I recall you used freshwater food to start the cycle. The food may be taking a little longer to break down because there are preservatives which prevent the water from clouding. The food will break down eventually but it may take a little longer. I was worried that when you added the food and the shrimp that you would get a giant spike. It seems to be a slow gradual cycle. It will correct itself. I also recommend patience.
Did you remove the venturi off your powerhead? Your picture still has it. You don't want all those bubbles.


i did not remove the venturi yet because i did not have glue but i did adjust it so i have no bubbles...thanks


Forever when I see your name pop shall be with the tune of Batman running threw my head. "I will call you KipMan and you shall be my KipMan"
BTW..any plants in particular? I haven't had any probs with my levels yet but I also don't have a ton of plant life and may need to utilize your finely sung advice one day.



Originally posted by Kipass4130
i am singing Plant Man in my head to theme of Batman
c'mon everyone sing along
your tanks should be fine... sounds like everything is on schedule
good luck
Plant man! -Plant man!- Plant man!
duh de duh de duh de duh Plant man!!!!!!

I am very new to this hobby and know absolutely nothing about it (yet), but one thing I do know for sure is that if there is a post by beaslbob then it is going to have the word "plants" in there somewhere!