My Damsels Have ICH


I recently bought two damsels to help my through the cycling process and I have looked at alot of pictures and read a lot and it looks to me like they have ICH. I just need to know what I need to get started on QT. What I need to do to help them. The damsel who hides away in the rock dosent look as bad as the one who swims in the open water. I just recently did a 3 gallon water change. My salinity is 1.022 which is what my swingarm hydrometer read. Nitrate 0 Nirtite 0 Alkalinity 240 PH 8.4 useing mardel test strips. I really want to fix this and make my tank good for the fish I just need a simple how too.


I have just put my two damsels in a 10 gallon tank with the water from my display. I put a very dark blue towel underneath it for substrate. I am going to go and get an airstone to put in the tank. Do I need a filter? The tank really dosen't have that much water in it. What else do I need?
You need a tank, a cover, a heater [if temperature control is an issue], mechanical filtration or a mechanical means of keeping water well circulated such as powerheads, biological filtration and décor---either fake rocks or PVC.
I don't understand what Beth means my powerheads. With that lil bit of water what do I need to use to circulate it?
Here is a picture to show what I am working with.
All help is appriciated.


OK so this is what I have done in the last couple hours. I added a pump with airstone, a deco for the fish to hang out in. I put my display tank light over the QT tank. My Qt tank is about half full.
My display tank now had half a tank of water with 13 pounds of live rock , two snails and 4 hermits. I will be adding premixed saltwater to the tank today to replace the water I took out in the Qt.


Staff member
Powerheads are pumps. What you use to circulate water. Airstone pumps is not going to cut it. You need to get some good circulation going in that tank.
Add a few cups of sand from your display.


Thank you Beth. I was wondering when I was going to get a reply from someone. My sickest damsel fish died last night. I just added sand to the tank. It is really cloudy now. I am going to pick up copper ich treatment for the other fish. What kind of pump do you suggest for such a small tank?


Staff member
Maxijet pump/powerhead.
Try reading the FAQ Thread on QT, ich, hyposalinity.


Yeah , I did read your FAQ thread and I must say I learned a lot when it came to Ich. I wouldn't have even started a QT tank if it was'n't for your thread. There was a few parts that was confusing, but I did learn a lot. Thank you.


Staff member
Glad to hear it. If you decide to set up a QT and need advise about it, then post up your questions.