My Derasas Has to be Moved off the Sand Bed. I need some ideas please!


Active Member
Well before its too late i think i have to get my clam off the bottom, its too far. 30". I do have 250w 10k.
I have noticed in the last few weeks the mantle has slowly staarted to receed and is not as wide open as when i first got it, which was about a month ago. i have also noticed the shell near the mantle which should be white, which shows growth, is showing a little brown or algae on the very tips on some of the shell. So before it is too late i want to move it up on the rocks under the light.
So can i just put it on a rock or do i have to find a shell fill with sand and put it on the sand?


Active Member
no one? should i just try to put it on a rock or should i try to add sand to a shell and then move it up?


Active Member
although a shell of container of sand owuld be ideal, if you place it on a rock, as long as it is flat and steady, it wont kill it or anything....
but the shell will grow algae as long as there is algae in yoru tank. that doesnt mean it is dieing. but i woudl worry about the receeding mantle...
and BTW: didnt we determine the last thread you made about your clam that it was a squamosa? or am i confusing you with someone else?


Active Member
yeah, i am sorry, its a squamosa, i guess. i really think it needs a bit more light and don't want to wait too long. the problem i am going to have is to find a spot for it under the light. it will be difficult to finda a flat surface large enough to where if it snaps shut it won't fall off. hmmm????
also, in the post from before you said that crocea and maxima should expand there mantle more than the lower light and i have found just the opposite with the squamosa and crocea.