My diamond goby


Active Member
Originally Posted by big
Quote....Yes, mine does. I can see that the one in your pics has no black. It is interesting........
Hummm maybe like the Mazda guy said it is a gender thing?? What I have in writing on them does not show that trait......Now I need to do some "Googling"
I just went in there and tried to get a pic but he has holed up for the night since the MH's just went off. But its a solid black spot directly under his lower jaw/chin, maybe the size of a pencil eraser (maybe a little smaller). I have never thought much about it, just thought they all had it since they slam their chins into the sand every 10 seconds scooping up sand....


New Member
Originally Posted by big
Sorry you lost them.
My first thought would be starvation in a newer system. A new GB would live on pods till he learned to eat other things which takes time. Once a 150 has aged with a good amount of Live Rock in the tank a DG should be fine. Although mine is a real pig and eats anything that goes in the water, that was a learning thing for him. (Once he almost chocked to death on a whole Algae tab he got stuck in his throat)
As to the brown stuff , do you use RO water, if not it could be Diatoms.
Yup I use RO... but I still think it may be diatoms. The diamonds were super effective for cleaning it up. Now Im stumped... I think you are right.. the tank is too new to feed off for them.


Sorry you lost your first diamond gobby. Get your water parameters right and give it another try. They are usually bullet proof fish. Mine goes to bed and buries himself in his little cave every night but as soon as the lights are on he is out cleaning the sand!
He also moves every object he can get his mouth on so frags and other small objects need to be secure or he moves them to his prized pile. He keeps bits of rock in there, caleurpa bits, zoas, etc. He picks up the crabs and snails and puts them in his pile too but they wander away which really frustrates him.
He is one of our most interesting fish. His name is "Curmudgeon" because he always looks grumpy, but in reality he gets along well with all the other inhabitants.