My Diasyzoo!


Active Member
If you dont know already= my goal is to get as many different exotic zooanthids as i can and i have found another great one i added to my collection- I have dubbed it the daisyzoo. Check it out- the ones on the left side of the rock- so what do ya think am i right or am i right?


Active Member
also got a yellow polyp rock for 15 bucks- i think these are ok- they remind me of aptasia but they add nice color to my tank

nm reef

Active Member
Very nice stuff....I'm beginning to collect several types myself...recently added some small orange ones and a real nice rock with purple/blue ones.:cool:


OMG! I just love the ones in the 1st pic.
Could you please let me know what the name of those are.
How much did you have to pay for those?
Please let m know.
Thank you! :)


I too collect zoo's and i have a few nice varieties... no pics just yet but that will change.
Anyone doin any types of trading, sending one or two work well bein that they spread and split like nobodies business


Active Member
i hace 128 of pc- they are called zooanthids- the good ones are hard to find but there is a company called ORA that sells wholesale to petstores- they carry the best ones- so if you want some- talk to your LFS about ordering from ORA- also i got the first ones for 10$


Watch out for the yellow polyps...they will spread like weeds if they like your tank.That is a good thing!


Active Member
Reef- They are in bright light- and have moderate flow- i feed my tank 1x a week with my own coral food- They are not hard to grow
Chin- ya i know what ya mean i have kept yellow polyps before and they spread pretty quick


Active Member
yes i use actinice here is a pic of my light setup- and the food i use has fresh squid, clams, shrimp, oysters, a can a formula one flake can of formula two flake, some zoecon and vitamin enriched brine- i put it all in a blender along with a little bit of water and turn it on untill it is almost a liquid- the particles are very fine. Then i pour it into my used formula one frozen cube trays and freeze it- my corals love it- my pods seem to as well b/c as soon as i started feeding i saw a huge increase in their #s


Active Member
pretty cool food you've made man
your lights blow mine out of the water. i think i'll add some more!