My Diasyzoo!


mr hanky

j21 i live fairly close to you. would you consider trading a few polyps for some of mine? email me if your interseted. also where is your lfs and the one in westport? i think you said something about that. ill make a road trip for some soos like those!!!! thanks, mr hanky


Active Member
i have just made my first fragging attempt at them- little nervous b/c they are so small- if these do well i would be willing to trads some frags- the ones i cut today are going to be traded for a xenia frag- so we'll see how it goes- - my work occasionally gets zoos like these but it is rare- The Reef House in westport sometimes carries them as well.


Just so you know, your frag is looking good. I was worried for awhile there, but it looks as though it's going pull through. I'll send you a pick when I get home this weekend.


Active Member
nice rich- nice color
Bdub- your frag is doing well i have 7 zooanthids and a frag from my capnella- as a freebee on the rock there is a purple, an orange, yellow, and i think i got one of the blue center ones on there- ill take a pic as soon as all of them open- still waiting on 2 of them so...