my diatom problem


I am having a diatom problem....
My amonia: 0
Nitrate: 5
Would 5 nitrate casue diatoms?
Also my lightbulbs are almost 1 year old. Im getting new ones for christmass. Could the old bulbs be causeing the diatoms?


Staff member
What is your phosphate reading? What type of water are you using? Did the problem just start?


Active Member
Light bulbs will have some decline in light output over time. I have also heard so rotate lights after six months. However, this recommendation had to do with bleaching corals by suddenly increasing light levels. If you don't have corals I would probably keep the lights in longer. Otherwise, consider switching out your lightbulbs but a gradual approach (e.g. one new lightbulb every 2-4 weeks) would be best for corals so they get used to the higher light levels.
Beth seems to be getting at nutrient overload. If you have too many fertilizers or certain minerals, diatoms are more likely.
Beth - You'll just have to practice being more psychic. LOL


Using florescent lighting ya really need to change the bulbs every 6 months. As stated the new bulbs can cause a shock to your system - overcome it by shortening the on time length when first installed and gradually increase the on time. Or as Beth said - phosphers. Check your water source - if no other source is avail check for some phosphate absorbing materials - Kent makes some- kinda like white carbon. Anyways it works great dumped into a pantyhose. GL

nm reef

Active Member
I'd also wonder about the water chemistry/lighting/filtration...diatoms are very common in a newly established system but seldom are a problem in a established system. Is it possible that your phosphates are high...maybe even lighting out of spectrum?
In any case there are numerous posts concerning diatoms in general.....:thinking:
...and whoever this paul character is I'd caution you that flames or negative comments don't go over real well here.


the thank has been up for a year and a half. I have not yet tested for phosphates...i need to get a test kit for it.
As for lighting i have...
28 watt pc 10000k 50/50
and 2, 10 watt 6,500 k pc.
Could the 6,500 k be the problem.
Im going to go to my lfs and get a phosphate remover this weekend to see if that helps.


Active Member
If you have made no changes at all to your system and you have had those pc's for a year and half then yes, your spectrum could be off and that could contibute to diatoms. Lighting changes can do that. You could also experience them from a lighting upgrade when you get your new lights. I'd definately check the phosphates and let us know if you have made any other recent changes in your tank maintenance routine.