Here's a photo of my new stand/tank and canopy, which I built myself.
The stand and canopy, need to be final sanded, stained and varnished. Will be stained a cherry walnut. It has a 2x4 skeleton and skinned in birch plywood. Will have black hardware and hinges. The canopy opens at the top via a piano hinge to give access to top of tank and lights. Will have two fans in the back. One blowing in and the other blowing out.
My sump/refugium will fit underneath and is a 20 gallon.
The stand and canopy, need to be final sanded, stained and varnished. Will be stained a cherry walnut. It has a 2x4 skeleton and skinned in birch plywood. Will have black hardware and hinges. The canopy opens at the top via a piano hinge to give access to top of tank and lights. Will have two fans in the back. One blowing in and the other blowing out.
My sump/refugium will fit underneath and is a 20 gallon.