My DME is home sweet home



I have had many eels in the past 7 years, and I can say IT IS a Japanese Dragon. I have had them both and this one is Japanese IMO.


Active Member
From all the info I can find..there is no real Hawaiian or Japanese DME. They are all the same eel, ,just from different places and with possible different color morphs.
So he could clearly go either way. What ever he is he's great. Extremely active, curious, and eating on day 2. He's more active than some of my fish..LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by eelfan77
awesome eel, i wish i could afford one but im only 12

LOL....Well you only have 24 yrs to go

but that's only if you have no kids and the wife loves eels and let's you away with it.


Same eels with different color morph. Because they are from different regions.
Here is A true picture of Japaneses one which looks like yours.


Active Member
I like that second to last pic - cool to see the stripes INSIDE of the mouth too. Beautiful creature.


Active Member
Was about to get SERIOUSLY irritated, seeing someone else use me pics...until I saw that it was you, Joe. lol


Active Member
LOL, sorry Andy...those were just some great shots. The top one is actually a Hawaiian that's for sale now at an online retailer in GA.
I save almost all pics I find of DME's as it is extremely interesting how no two seem to look alike. Not like most fish, eels, etc....each is an individual.


So i am finally supposed to find out tomorrow the status of the small Japanese dragon I paid for and ordered 10 days ago. I really hope I get the eel after paying for it and waiting 10 days and not hearing a word about whether I am getting the eel or not. Keep your fingers crossed. Thanks, Tim