My Dog was murdered yesterday...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
being gay is not something you chose... it is scientific fact that an enlarged hypotholomus gland will cause you to desire the same ---, therefore causing you to be gay. Acting on your gay desires is your choice...
however, this is not applicable to all gays. Some people just want to be gay, so they become it.

It is not fact. It is just a similarity many gay people share together in their make up. There are heterosexual people with the same enlarged gland and some gays without it. On top of that the size difference is so miniscule scientists have said there may have been measurement errors. Just wanted to clear that up.....back to the dog debate...carry on.


Active Member
Georgia's dangerous dog law
Here are some, but not all, of the dangerous dog laws of Georgia:
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Dangerous Dog Control Law."
(a) As used in this article, the term:
(1) "Dangerous dog" means any dog that, according to the records of an appropriate authority:
(A) Inflicts a severe injury on a human being without provocation on public or private property at any time after March 31, 1989; or
(B) Aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of humans without provocation after the dog has been classified as a potentially dangerous dog and after the owner has been notified of such classification.
. . .
(6) "Potentially dangerous dog" means any dog that without provocation bites a human being on public or private property at any time after March 31, 1989.
(a) Upon receiving a report of a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog within a dog control officer's jurisdiction from a law enforcement agency, animal control agency, rabies control officer, or county board of health, the dog control officer shall make such investigations and inquiries with regard to such report as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this article. Any local government shall be authorized but not required to provide by ordinance or resolution for additional duties of a dog control officer in identifying dangerous dogs or potentially dangerous dogs and their owners to carry out the provisions of this article.
(b) When a dog control officer classifies a dog as a dangerous dog or reclassifies a potentially dangerous dog as a dangerous dog, the dog control officer shall notify the dog's owner in writing by certified mail to the owner's last known address of such classification or reclassification. Such notice shall be complete upon its mailing.
. . .
(b) When a dangerous dog or a potentially dangerous dog is classified as such, the dog control officer shall notify the dog's owner of such classification.
. . .
(a) It is unlawful for an owner to have or possess within this state a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog without a certificate of registration issued in accordance with the provisions of this Code section.
. . .
It is the intent of the General Assembly that the owner of a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog shall be solely liable for any injury to or death of a person caused by such dog.


Active Member
Sample ordinances that can trigger Georgia's dog bite statute
As stated above, the Georgia dog bite statute imposes strict liability on the owner of a dog, if the dog is running at large in violation of a local ordinance, and injures a person. Here are two ordinances that, if violated, shall result in strict liability on the part of the dog owner:
Code of Ordinances, City of Atlanta, Georgia, Sec. 18-61. Applicability to portion of city within DeKalb County.
(a) Generally. The following shall apply to that portion of the city within DeKalb County:
(1) Duty of owner to keep dog under control. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog or for any person having a dog in such person's possession and control to permit the dog to be out of control and unattended off the premises of the owner in that part of the city within DeKalb County or upon the property of another person without permission of the owner or person in possession thereof.
(2) Definition of dog under control. A dog is under control if the dog is controlled by a leash, is at heal or is beside a competent person and obedient to that person's commands or is within a vehicle being driven or parked on the streets or is within the property limits of the dog's owner.
Fulton County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 34-205. Running at large.
(a) Generally. Within the unincorporated area of Fulton County or within any municipality in Fulton County which has or may enter into an agreement with Fulton County for animal control services, the running at large of dogs, domestic animals, livestock, owned wildlife, exotic animals, dangerous, or potentially dangerous dogs is prohibited, with the exception of cats. Owners of wildlife or exotic animals must have the necessary state and/or federal permits on their person when transporting their animals.
(b) (1) Dogs. It shall be unlawful for the owner, custodian or harborer of any dog to allow or permit such dog to leave the premises of the owner or other person having custody of the dog unless such dog is securely under leash; said leash being not more than six-feet long, and under the control of a competent person. Dogs must be confined to the premises of the owner or other person having custody of the dog and shall be restrained by means of a fence or wall or other enclosure, or restrained individually by a leash or chain. Excluded are those dogs participating in or training for obedience trials, field trials, dog shows, tracking work, or law enforcement. Also, the requirements of this subsection shall not apply in any area zoned for agriculture where the owner or person having custody of the dog is at the time in question using the dog for hunting purposes, and has on his/her person a valid hunting license and proof of vaccination. (2) An electronic confinement system shall be considered an acceptable enclosure when the equipment is properly maintained and in continuous working order, and the animal to be contained within wears the appropriate electronic collar when within the system perimeters.
(3) In cases where an animal has been deemed dangerous by the court, or has been trained to be a guard dog, an electronic animal confinement system may not be used as either the primary or secondary enclosure.
(4) Individuals who contain an animal by means of an electronic animal confinement system and are found to be in violation of this section or have been deemed as restraining a dangerous animal shall thereafter restrain the animal by means of a fence, wall or other enclosure, or such animal shall be restrained individually by a leash or chain.
(c) Restraint of domestic animals, livestock, owned wildlife and exotic animals.
It shall be unlawful for the owner, custodian, or harborer of any domestic animal, livestock, wildlife, or exotic animal, to allow or permit such animal to leave the premises of the owner or other person having custody of such unless securely under leash, in a carrying case, or restrained by some other means and under the control of a competent person, with the exception of cats.
(d) Confinement of domestic animals, livestock, owned wildlife, exotic animals, and dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs. Domestic animals, livestock, owned wildlife, exotic animals, and dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs shall be securely confined to the premises of the owner or other person having custody of such by means set forth under the provisions of this article, or approved by the health department or its designee and/or as required by state or federal regulations, with the exception of cats.


I hope everything works out for the best, but definately do not poison the dogs. My parents had their dog poisoned and I can't imagine how it would feel to have this done to your pet. These animals just need to be placed with a person who can work with them and hopefully change their behavior! My dog was nearly killed the other day when a friend's bulldog attacked her and held on to her neck. I am so sorry for your loss!


Active Member
Sorry for your loss.
The Homeowner's Insurance avenue is a good one to pursue here. Most homeowner companies will non-renew a policy if they find out there is a "viscious" pet. If the owners want insurance then they will be forced to give up their dogs...
I'm confused on the "pets are just property" argument. If that is the case then it seems to me it would be perfectly ok to load up the ole shot gun, drop the nasty beasts, and then write out a quick check for their "value".There has to be more to it than what has been said so far.
IF discharging a legal firearm is ok in your area, and IF protecting yourself/property with deadly force is legal then I would sit out front with a loaded shotgun while grilling a nice, aromatic steak...
Dogs will be dogs. You can't really blame the dogs here, BUT you can certainly blame the neighbor if no attempt has been made to keep the dogs fenced in.


i think the best way other than getting a court to put the dogs down is to carry protection of some sort and wait for the dogs to attack you or someone around you and kill the dog in defense of you own life or the life of an innocent victim around you..."i was in fear of my life" always works... i know it sounds harsh but so was what they did to your dog.. best of luck sry for ur loss


Originally Posted by gordruls
Sorry I guess I need to get this off my chest...I had a special Maltese Dog that was My Dog..He would go everywhere with me ..Anyway Yesterday I chained him up outside and my neighbors Dogs came over and tore him apart!!! You can imagine a LG Shepherd, LG Pit bull and a Bulldog against a tied up 10lb Maltese..My heart is broken...They attacked a little gril a few months ago.The Question I have is should I sue the neighbors and fight to have there dogs put away? Whats your thoughts?

I would sue but I would also definalty shoot the dogs if they came back in my yard.


Im sorry for you loss...I tried to read through all the posts,to try to catch up but w/ the whole gay post,i didnt want to deal w/ it. I would definately persue w/ a law suit,you would win.
But, why was your maltese tied up in your front yard? And dont go murdering dogs,thats just sick..



Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The Homeowner's Insurance avenue is a good one to pursue here. Most homeowner companies will non-renew a policy if they find out there is a "viscious" pet. If the owners want insurance then they will be forced to give up their dogs...

or, if they don't give up the dogs, and they just don't get homeowners insurance, they'll get forced placed insurance from their

lender, which is about 3x's what normal homeowners insurance is... that always sucks!!!


Active Member
I gotta say to all you sicko's with the idea of antifreeze or poision.
Its not the dogs fault they are viscious . Bad owners are what makes a dog viscious . Any breed of dog can be trained to be viscious. Much like human children they learn what they are tought. and if left to their own they will learn Survival of the fitest.
have you ever had to have an animal put down because of it being poisened? Its not a nice sight. Let me just tell you that its not as humane as you think. a healthy large dog will vomit continuesly and will dehidrate. Their body functions will shut down one by one and they will soil them selves and they will have uncontrolable seizures. God willing their owners will have the huamanity to take them in and have them put down. but from the sounds of it they will most likely leave the dogs to die from the poisoning. And all because you want to blame the dog for the owners actions. I hope someday that you have to face this with one of your own.
I gotta tell you this though if I ever caught anybody doing such a thing to an animal You can bet they would pay for it.


Active Member
Mitzel... whether it is the dog's fault or not is irrelevant. They are a danger to the community.
You asked if anyone here has seen an animal that has been poisoned. Let me ask you; Have you ever seen a child horribly misfigured from a dog attack?
I'm not a fan of poison, btw...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Mitzel... whether it is the dog's fault or not is irrelevant. They are a danger to the community.
You asked if anyone here has seen an animal that has been poisoned. Let me ask you; Have you ever seen a child horribly misfigured from a dog attack?
I'm not a fan of poison, btw...
YES the dogs are a danger. But being so near sighted as to kill the dogs and think the problem is solved is just much a danger. kill there dogs and they will get more. It's the owners that are the problem .
As for your question . I have a friend and he spent many years of his teenage life having plastic surgery done to reconstruct the side of his face/head . He was made fun of for having his ear lobe stitched to his heads so the wounds could heal . skin graft's and cartlalige manipulations. try dealling with this in you teenage years when your life seams so hectic already SO yes I have seen a child suffer . I have also seen animals that have suffered at the hands of far more "intelligent" creatures called humans . The big diffrence is we "claim" to be evolved .


I don't know what happened to them but the police told me the owner said he was going to "Put them down" maybe he did. After a week of thought I have decided to sue for damages ..All I can get is the value of my dog. I guess this year is going to be a interesting year..I had a Transmission go bad last year and I had a warrantee (That I had paid extra for) so I as told a NEW transmission was put into the car ...This weekend the transmission went bad again.. I had a friend that works at this car dealership look to see if it was still under warrantee and he just told me they put in a USED transmission from a junk yard!!! NO WONDER IT WENT BAD ALREADY!!!..So now I may have to sue them!!!
God help me!!


I don't know a thing about cars so all I can say is best of luck with that one

I DO know dogs though! In running a rescue for about 11 yrs I worked with all sorts of breeds and mixes with a huge variety of behavoural and physical problems. I then went on to be a professional trainer and am called on very often as an unlicensed behavourist. I love all animals and had to jump in on all this...
dogs get vicious when you feed them raw meat
This is completely incorrect. In my years running a rescue I didn't hold a job outside the home so rehabilitating and training the animals was all I did. I knew that in the condition they were usually in these animals would need the VERY BEST in nutrition so I set out learning all I could about canine nutrition. I found that there are very few commercially prepared dog foods on the market that met my high standards as being nutritionally complete and best plus the few I found were prohibitively expensive and so I prepared my own. It was based loosely on the BARF diet (biologically appropriate raw foods - you can find tons of websites out there about it with a quick search) The main ingredient in this diet is raw meat! Every dog that came to me was fed a diet which consisted largely of raw meat. Not a single one of them turned viscious and even the ones with aggressive problems were successfully trained and socialized to become well adjusted, sweet, friendly pets.
Space Geek, very nice on info on pits and common myths!!
it is a known fact that pitts have a natural mean streak in them it is there nature and no one can change that
This is also completely incorrect. It may indeed be your opinion but it is not fact nor is it even a very well researched, well thought out, fair opinion. Even when dog fighting was more prevalent than it is today and in places where, sadly, dog fighting still continues dogs that show aggression towards HUMANS are generally put down. An owner still has to be able to control their dog, after all! Even dogs that are known and proven to be "viscious" are not "mean" in any way! You would have to understand dog psychology. Many breeds of dogs are selectively bred and trained for having high prey drives, such as breeds commonly used for hunting. A high prey drive does not equate into "mean".
you really cant keep those dogs inside.. with all my moms china and stuff.. when he was a puppy he chewed up my moms 3k guest chairs that were imported
This is not an issue of nature, it's a problem with nurture. For example, why was the pup left unsupervised with the chairs? Puppies chew, they NEED to chew, and anyone getting a dog should understand that. Until you train a pup to know what's acceptable to chew (and provide him with his own things he can chew of course!) they should not be left unsupervised. That's the only reliable way to end problem chewing and not have things like expensive chairs ripped up.


Originally Posted by DaneDodger
...This is not an issue of nature, it's a problem with nurture...
dane, you're so cuuute!


Active Member
If that was my dog that got attacked, all three of those other dogs would have bullets in them. I love my dog too much, but then again things may be different in texas where everyone owns guns.