My dream is gone!


I came home from work today and found my brand new tank with a crack in it about 2ft long down the side around to the front. The carpet was flooded all the way into the next room. :confused: I could not believe it...I sucked it up and ran to the LFS to get 10gl of salt water.....while I was doing that my girlfriend was trying to save as much of the coral and fish that she could. She placed my zoos, starpolyps, ricordia, and my clam in my 11gl(36watts of power comact) along with what ever snails and hermits were still alive. My xenia was melted, my brain was life less, fox coral dripping wet ,:mad: gone my frogs pawn gone, purple mushrooms gone, gonipora gone. I was mess...I just wanted to try to save some of the bacteria on the LR. I placed all 60lbs in 3 5gl buckets and covered them with salt water. The LFS stayed open for me to get water. I have only 3 fish...6-line wrasse, watchman goby and a dragonet blenny. I am in a delima right now because I do not know what to do with the fish. My 11gl is really small and is jammed with coral now and inverts.....I have a clown in there and a purple and yellow gramma. I am worried about added the fish there becasue I know the gramma will try and fight with these fish and some if not all will end uo dead. I do not want to risk losing the small tank now due to dead fish and then have to break it down to get them out.
I am really sad and not sure what to do. This really sucks..I worked so hard on that tank and built it fron scratch......sanded primmed and painted the cabinet. Just alot of work! Lost about $450.00 in coral. I have a couple questions now :help: I hope someone will reply and post for me. I do not know what time that it happened but I had been gone for 13hours...there was about 1 gl in my sump. I have a 350 mag drive pump and it was making noise when I got home.....can these run for a few hours without water...also my skimmer pump to. I am going to the LFS to but a new tank tommorow...If I wait for 5 days will the LR be ok in the buckets with the water? Or is there something else I should do? Also does it matter if I use this sump 125wet dry....holds about 7 gl of water with the Mag drive 350 for a 60 gl tank, will I need a new sump or can I go with the old one. Also so if I go with a 60gl....wil the 65gl ratted protien skimmer do the job well.


Sorry, that really sucks. If you need to put some fish or corals somewhere temporarily I live in west palm beach. As far as your questions what size was the tank? The sump should be ore than enough and the potein skimmer should do fine for now at least. If you get the tank tomorrow why would you wait 5 days to put the rock in? If it stays in buckets you should put a powerhead in each at the least.


crzy, im very sorry about your misfortune
is there any chance you can take your corals, fish etc to your lfs?
that will buy you a bit of time to re-set your new tank.
any idea how it hAPPEND? OK MATE KEEP YOUR CHIN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(RICK

nemo lover

If you keep the rocks in the bucket definately runa powerhead and maybe a your skimmer too. Your lfs know what happened to you maybe they will hold your fish for you. Where was the crack?
The only thing you can do is keep your head up, and do your best to save what you can.


I know the feeling. Nemos right keep power heads moving water where you can with no light on that rock you will get some die off. I would just clean the sump and skimmer real good also pull your impellers out of all your pumps and check them they may have sand in there that may need to be cleaned out or you may be able to replace them for 5 10 or 15 dollars which is cheaper than buying new pump. Good luck I know what your going though I lost about 3000.00 in fish and corals when my tank went down.


Thanks for all the replies....I am aliitle distraught right now...ticked off and frustrated. I guess thats life right. I am going to go get a carpet cleaner now to clean up..the house smells bad. Then I will get another tank. You wanna know the funny thing is that when I was on lunch at work I was walking through the parking lot and had this funny feeling that somehing was wrong with the tank...I thought I was obsessing though...should have trusted my instincts. Anyway time to begin the recovery process. Thanks I now have a new dream!


Active Member
Sorry about your tank man!!!!! I've had it happen before to me and it's a major blow....Piece of advice though the carpet cleaning machine will work but would honestly look at getting a carpet cleaner in and really extract the water from the carpet... Besides once the carpet is dry it will be stiff and the salt will actually work it's way up through the carpet... It's going to take more than 1 cleaning though...The carpet cleaning guy should use some type of chemical to neutralize the saltwater!!!!!!! HTH and good luck!!!!!!


Active Member
Man I am so sorry!!!

Can you at least get some of those rubbermade containers like people use for sumps? Then you can basically use those as a tank. Put your LR in there, powerheads, heater and fish. That would work for some time.


Active Member
Man that really sucks I feel bad just hearing it. Get a big bucket for your LR and run a powerhead in it and if possible a skimmer too the rock should be okay. As long as it wasn't out of the water for too long. Save what you can and hopefully your next setup will be even better.


Very sorry to hear that. Do you know what caused the crack to occur? Any kind of warranty on your tank?


very sorry for your loss. sounds like you have it under control but if you need to borrow any 5 gal buckets, powerheads, my old 10 gal with flouresent hood I keep for emergencies (not hooked up) just let me know. I'm in Fort Lauderdale US-1 and Oakland Park Blvd.


how old was your tank?? i would loose my lease if my landlord was to find out i had 75 gallons of water sitin in her third floor apt b/c it leaked all over


Active Member
I feel for ya. Can't imagine the feeling of coming home to that. I hope all goes well with the saved livestock.