My Emp Angel


Active Member
$70 is less just the cost of shipping the wholesaler paid, let alone what that LFS paid the wholesaler. I don't mean to all down and negative, but if you crunch the numbers there's literally no way an Christmas Island Emp costs a buyer in an LFS $70. The fact that he's a juvi, and probably lacking his orange tail, further adds to the doubt.
Not that there's anything wrong with a 'normal' Emp. I hope you have a happy and healthy fish, regardless of it's origin.


wow i'v never heard of the christmas emp and then there is another expensive emp called the red sea emp...
wow... I don't notice much different b/t them two and the regular emp angel... either way i want one!! lol


Active Member
If crypt doesn't mind me thread-jacking a bit, there are 4 'basic' types of Emperor (Imperator) Angelfish.
A standard 'Indo-Pacfic Emperor'
and a 'Red Sea Emperor'. The difference is said to be the Red Sea has more vibrant coloring.
The 'Christmas Island Emperor' has an orange tail as well as some red/blue/yellow coloring on his bottom chest. In the pic the tail doesn't look really orange, but in person they're better.

And last is the 'New Caledonia Emperor.' They tend to have streamers on their top anal fin, and red/yellow/blue color on their chest. Very similar to an CI Emp, just not a vivid orange tail. Terrible pic I know, only one I could find w/o stealing someones fish;

However, it's important to note that to despite origin, some Indo Emps can grow streamers, and CXI Emps tend not too. Also CXI Emps sometimes loose their coloration in captivity.

crypt keeper

Active Member
No problem. I think the major differences in the CXI emps are the colors but also the lines in the fish. Every CXI emp I have seen has more of a baby blue color with less yellow lines. The entire fish looks different than the others.
this is another guys pictures. I hope he doesnt mind. just look at the blue vs yellow then a "regular" emp. They have much more yellow


I will be getting my Emperor angel soon and am wondering what you are feeding yours. I know they like sponge and algae, which my tank has a large abundance of (200 pounds of Live rock). I'm sure the sponge will be decimated quickly and I want to provide the fish the best chance for success. I asked the lfs owner if the fish is in fact from Christmas Island and he wasn't positive so I doubt it. Either way, I didn't think $70 was bad for a 3 inch juvi

crypt keeper

Active Member
I got him started on NLS pellets. Then the one for possible internal parasite. I forget the name. Then once he started to eat I bought the Oceans nutrition Angel Formula with sponges. I cut that up to look like the pellets. Once he started eating that it ate everything. Now I switch between mussles, clams, squid, algae sheets, angel forumla, pygmy angel formula, spirulina, mysis shrimp and pellets. I feed 3 times a day.


I like that you offer such a variety, I offer a large selection as well. I might have to order the angel formula in bulk as none of my lfs have it readily available. Shipping is very expensive on frozen foods. Thank you