my fathers day gift


Check this guy out..Got it for fathers day...does anyone know if I should place it high or low in the tank...My son, 11 years old, did the research and said it's hardy..but I guess time will tell...



Active Member
It is farely hardy. What lighting do you have? IMO if you have vho or better it will do fine place pretty much anywhere(given it might need light adapting) but if you have pc I'd say keep it from mid to the top. Hope this helps. Beautiful fox coral too.


Active Member
LOL, I didn't even see the skeleton. It looks as though the recession happened some time ago. Probably before purchase I'm guessing. Given ample light and stable water conditions I'm sure it'll grow and thrive for you.


thanks shoreliner..yeah it was a little damaged, but it has been awhile back, or so it appears to me..I have 780 watts of pc, and a 400w mH...I will keep my fingers crossed and see how it does..the pictures don't do it about flows...I may have to much..I,m circulating 2500 gph in a 125..thanks again..


Active Member
As long as the polyp isn't being blown out of shape it'll be ok. From the pics you showed the flow looks ok just based on how the polyps look. The only thing I would think about is maybe start it on the bottom and then slowly move it up the rockwork until the it gets light acclimated. Good luck.