My first 10gal tank


New Member
I was shoot dead by the marine stuff.
10 gal tank from walmart
1 yellowtail damsel
1 percula clownfish
1 feather duster
2 turbo snail
1 yellow tang
3 live rock from *****
All looks amazing good!
I am worried about my yellow tang since she will grow larger and larger for my small tank. Any aggies can take care for my fish in the future? I am in college station,TX



Ay Dios mio!!! I know we try to keep tangs in samll tanks, but 10g
i'm sure that tang is confused, he must be thinking.....nah, this is just for a couple of hours, part of transportation, but no no no, is better if you just kill him right now. PLZ get him a new home, at least 46 galons (for elites aquarist) Don't make him suffer anymore, get rid of him ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
The yellow tang is the dictator of the tank. It eat a lot and stay peaceful with the other two fish. But it eat most legs of my new peppermint shrimp today.
I know the tank is too small. I will figure out a way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tamuhugo
The yellow tang is the dictator of the tank. It eat a lot and stay peaceful with the other two fish. But it eat most legs of my new peppermint shrimp today.
I know the tank is too small. I will figure out a way.
you've got to be kidding me...
uuhhh...i hoped it cycled.


First off
Stop buying fish, coral, and "live rock" from Pet co. Sure there are a few lucky people that have kept Pet co fish alive for a long time but most fish there have some form of parasite or bacteria. I remember in my younger days, constantly battling and losing to Ick when I bought fish from there.
Secondly, please move that tang to either a LFS that has large tanks to house that tang or sell/give to another hobbyist that can properly care for it. It will die shortly if it is left in that tank. The live rock doesnt have enough or any life/algae on it to support the tang.
The live rock that you bought from pet co is a large waste of money. I bought a piece from there one time and I never saw anything come of it. It was under T5HO's and I never saw any algae come of it, bugs or hitch hikers, or bristleworms come from inside it. Its dead rock and they charge really high for each pound. I buy my rock from a private seller which charges $3 per pound and it comes with Coraline algae, an abundance of hitch hikers and even Encrusting SPS on it.
So please. Do your research, remove the tang, search around for better live rock.
But most importantly,
Do your research