My first anemone

I just added a BTA to my tank today and my clowns took to it immediately
. I do have a frogspawn and was hoping that they would maybe host that, but they didn't so I bought them a anemone. My anemone is not in the most ideal spot but I'm assuming it will move to where it feels most comfortable right??


yes, pictures are a must.
they will hide for a day or two and then begin to walk the tank looking for a nice spot. just dont keep moving him yourself, let him do his thing and move any coral in his way. how big are your clowns? they can really annoy new anemones and you should protect him if it looks like that is the case, especially with two.


not to dissapoint but he looks very bleached and too small for your two clowns... you may want to protect him from your fish until he is healthier. there are a few ways you can do this by using a coke bottle cut off with tons of holes punched in it (TONS) or some type of netting. you should also be feeding him half inch pieces of silver sides soaked in selcon for nutrition like 3 times a week if he will take it. its good your running halides, he will benefit a lot from the light source. others may be able to chime in with some better ways to protect him for the time being.


Active Member
Ahh, that sucks that it is bleached. Your lighting should bring it back for you though. Not sure on how to keep the clowns out of it.
Ya I just got him today from this website. The bag that it was in was very cold. Hopefully it will perk up when the halide is on and when I keep the clowns away from it.


Active Member
Both mine were bleached, they got color in no time, just be aware the clowns could kill it.


May i make a suggestion?
I would stick it in a breeder basket. Position it in a place of good flow. I will be up near the lights very good place for a bleached anemone. Keep the top of the basket above the waterline that way it cannpt escape. supplimental feeding will greatly help this anemone,
On a side note, this is the second very bleached anemone purchased from we've seen, Meowzer just lost one, what's going on there, you should contact them, let them know you recieved an anemone that may not make it just in case you loose yours too. Maybe they are getting too stressed during shipping, this is upsetting.


I just took a photo of the basket I am talking about, a picture is worth.....
This is how I keep them while waiting for pick up. It will keep yours form hiding, protect it from the clowns and put it in the best position for good light. just make sure it gets enough flow. (also will be easy to remove if it dies)
Where did you get the basket from?? I will definitely put it in a basket to keep the clowns away. I'm gonna buy silversides today, is there anything else I should be feeding it?? From what I have read it seems like a lot of people feed silversides or fresh shrimp cut into small pieces.


Active Member
Any local pet store should carry them, it is a simple breeder box/net.
I know petsmart carries them.


Originally Posted by saltwatersubie
Where did you get the basket from?? I will definitely put it in a basket to keep the clowns away. I'm gonna buy silversides today, is there anything else I should be feeding it?? From what I have read it seems like a lot of people feed silversides or fresh shrimp cut into small pieces.
silversides are the best food, but you may want to soak them in selcon (a nutritional additive) if you can find it locally.


Be extremely careful removing it from the rocks. Go slow and gently peel the foot off the rock, if you tear it's foot while in this condition it is doomed.
Post updates.


I was just rereading this thread. I am unclear, is it hiding or out in the open? If it's hiding (your lights are too strong for it right now) you will need to protect it for a while from your strong lighting. Keep it off to the side and slowly acclimate it over the course of a couple weeks. You may need to shade it, you can partially cover it using something non flamable, in the past I have used a pie plate or small cookie sheet, you can move it a bit every couple days exposing it to more and more light.


Active Member
silversides are fine.. but I wouldnt call them the 'best' they are more like the most 'common' anemone food.
For a sick anemone start with very small pieces of meat, like the size of a mysis shrimp. Even though the anemone can take larger pieces, they seem to respond better to smaller pieces. Think about when you arent feeling good.. you eat some soup, some crackers.. a little here and there. You should give him a variety (whether he is sick or not).
Silversides, mysis, any prepackaged fish store 'cubes' along with whatever you find at your local grocery store's seafood counter.. shrimp, scallops, swordfish, shark.. whatever they have! Just buy small quantities, its much cheaper than buying it from the LFS. Not to mention that silversides smell worse than anything Ive ever bought. I still offer them, but there are alot of other options.
Also, soaking in selcon or Zoe is a MUST with a sick anemone. I still do it for non-sick ones.
Good Luck! It takes a good few months to see improvement but, keep us updated!


LMECHER....Let me ask you something...when I get my replacement anemone...(next day or 2 I think)...should I put it in the breeder basket to acclimate it (after the bag float stuff)