my first anenome


HI all, i just got this an. 2 days ago from here and i had actually posted the pic on a differnt post but someone suggested i post it on here becuase they though it looked funny, does it look ok its my first one, since i got it seems to be doing ok it moves around alot its weird though whenever i have moved the rock its on it likes to move itself away from the water currents it alwasy ends up moving right next to the sand bed but i though ane were suppose to like lots of water movement.... thanx


It does look bleached. It should have a nice deep brown or brownish green color to it. What kind of lights do you have and how long has your tank been cycled?


Looks like a typical condy to me. Looks fine.


My tank was a 30 hex and about 3 mnths ago i moved everything form that tak into this bowfront and just geadually added water so all together the tank has been up for about a year and 5 months. Ive got the doralife deluxe series not the ones with mh but it does have 4 watts per gallon i made sure of that the guy at the lfs helped me with it and said these lights would be fine for ane and most soft corals. ok thanx both...


HI thomas i was reading some of the old psts you mad e about these an and u said they typically clowns wont host them and if the do they end up with skin/scale issues could that be why my femal looks like she has little white marks on her now?


ok this pic didnt turn out well at all but ill post it anyways i took it yesterday she looks better today but it looks like a white pimple . Should i get a differnt type of anenome? and get rid of this one, will they ever host it and if they do will they get marks like this everytime? thanx...


I'm not entirly possitive, and I'm going to ask Beth to stop by and take a look at that pic and see if she has any imput as well.
If it were me I'd never own another condylactis. I had two a very long time ago. I much prefer the BTA's.


I though this was a pink tip isnt that a bubble tip im new to ane so sorry if i should like an dumbass im learning


Staff member
Can you get another picture of that clownfish. I see the spot, but I'd like to see a better picture. From that picture, it looks like the fish has got some health issues, eroding fins, but I'd like to see some better shots.


ill try and get another pic the fins are fine the pic just makes them look odd, she looks better today. BUt i knw she didnt have them beofre i got the ane cauase i was looking very closly at her tight before i release the an and she didnt have any makrs i just though it was odd that they appearded after i got the ane i also noticed that they use to hang on the left side of the tank so i placed the ane over there and since i noticed the marks on her the moved to the right/ middle of ther tank, i tried to take some pics but none of them turned out but i noticed that her left eye looks like its a little bug eyed i dont understand whats going on ive have her and the mate for over a year


well i qt the clown , does anyone know if all of this was caused by the ane , should i get rid of it and the white spots appeared to ghave dissapearded now i was looking at her really closly in the qt tank and it just looks like u can see the orange thorugh her white spots can anyone tell me whats going on do i need to watch all my other fish closly?


Staff member
Disappearing spots can certainly be a sign of ich. Are you unable to post another picture?