my first boxing match on sat. scared like crazy.

tx reef

Active Member
Forget the kidney shot...hit the liver. It will bring even the biggest man down and it is legal....


Protect your face. You might have a glass chin.
Remember to punch through the face. Aim for the back of the head THROUGH the front. Do not aim at the chin. Aim for the back of the head through the chin.
Protect your face at all costs. hey, why am I coaching here for free.
Where is your coach?
Good luck. No matter what happen; Walk in and Walk out with pride.


Member it's coming soon. im going to sleep in 3 hours early. i just bought some new wraps, and sparred just a little bit. did a little bit of shadow boxing in tha mirror too. ok manz see ya. ill represent and write it dwn on my shirt for this little exhibiton ahahahaha!


Originally Posted by Jovial
Good luck to you and dont bite his ear off.
hmmm. i should eat a little bit b4 i go then so im not tempted.


GAHH! i lost....ill give details tommorow. im toooooooooooooooo exhausted. it lasted 3 rounds. i got some good punches in but he kept workin my gut. ill give details after i wake up.....on tha plus side though, my brothers cleaned up tha garage and suprised me by putting in a heavybagg in there for me.
. yeah that cheered me up......why tha hell does it hurt hours after the fight....ive gone thorugh like a box of bengay patches!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Get some sleep Killer, we wil get all the info when you are rested.
LOL tomorrow is going to be even worse. Alll the bruises come out to say hello.
Sounds like you had fun so that really is the biggest part of it. No one got hurt and I expect everyone behaved themselves sportmanlike. Hopefully your hooked on it. Might be a good chance route for scholorship?
Congrats again on the first match.......
0-1-0 BKO/0 not a bad record.

tx reef

Active Member
The bad thing about boxing (and fighting in general) is that win or lose, you will be sore and stiff for at least a few days afterwards...


yep my arms are sore and stiff. i got a few bruises. one big dark one under my left chest. 2 bruises on my left fore arm. and a bruise on my other right forarm. yeah i made a few mistakes i wish i didnt.
question B4 i tell u what happened: I got one of those everlast heavy bag stands /with speed bag. what size bag should be on there? the instructions says not to place a bag over 100# and the 100# bag is pretty long. shoulda i jus stick with the 100# or geta 85#?
1st round:
it was pretty slow. nothing special but a few jabs and hooks. i won that round since i landed some pretty decent punches to the guys face. got him with a left jab, then a right cross then followed with a left hook. i left my chin pretty open with that combo but i was surpised he didnt hit me. i guess he was in pain by my right hand of terror. hehe
next 2 rounds i started slipping.
round 2.
the guy caught me with a body shot to the stomach. i dropped my elbows too low which left my face open. he den got me with a nice hook to the face which got me pushed to the corner and thats when he started busting out his combo on my guts. i took too many shots so i pushed him back. i felt pissed off after that bs. so i wasted my energy on a 30-40second fury of random punches. this was my mistake. i was just hitting him too fast too hard that i got too tired to fast. he had kept his hands up and took them all in so he wasnt at all tired just a little banged up on the arms. and the next round i paid for it.
round three. about 1 min. he won by knockout.
i was exhausted from my fury from the previous round so my foot work was slow. my punches were slow damn...everything for me was slow. this guy was pretty still fast! his punches didnt hurt as much as mine, but when i got hit contiously in the same spot it was like the pain multiplied....he got me in the corner agen and just kept socking me under my left chest then towards down my stomach. i coundlt handle the pain so i dont kno why i dropped my hands to cover my stomach, so he just finished me with a right cross. then i just fell down in exhaustion and started breathing all heavy, sorta like a fish outta the water. after the gloves and wraps were removed, we shook hands and promised a rematch.
brains i told u i didnt have a camara! u shoulda mailed my cheap a22 one.>_<. i do have pics of me and my opponent though. wanna see? were in the light heavyweight division.


Active Member
Light Heavy.... very respectable class. Thats like 169-175lb to those that arent into boxing. Are you in good fighting shape at that weight or you think you will drop to SuperMiddle or more likley true Middleweight? Breaking across the 155 area is where the power really comes in. I expect if your just getting into it then you have some baggage to lose to be optimum.
What does your trainer/coach think about your weight? They ALWAYS think you are fat but I am curious about your real fight weight after your in proper shape.
And yes of course I want pics.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Light Heavy.... very respectable class. Thats like 169-175lb to those that arent into boxing. Are you in good fighting shape at that weight or you think you will drop to SuperMiddle or more likley true Middleweight? Breaking across the 155 area is where the power really comes in. I expect if your just getting into it then you have some baggage to lose to be optimum.
What does your trainer/coach think about your weight? They ALWAYS think you are fat but I am curious about your real fight weight after your in proper shape.
And yes of course I want pics.
Of course he calls me fat! calls me fatass... no im not in proper shape. im acutally overweight. im like in the high 170's may not seem much but thats still too much weight for me, im only 5'4. my ideal weight is supposed to be in the 130's. i have a lot of training to do. i acutally tried to lose all the weight i could in the last month beacuse i saw the guys in the heavyweight division and :scared: i dont wanna be in there. i barely made it in this class by a few pounds. i best go down a few more classes pronto. i already kno my diet problem but its hard to beat. im filipino and 50% of my calrie intake in white rice. and the rest is meat, water,candy,soda fruit. rarley vegetables.
whats ur diet or diet u used to do during ur prime?


Active Member
well do you remember when I said I kept gaining size and grew so large that I was in Heavyweight. There is only so much about genetics you can fight. I was born to be big so I had to go larger. I was fortunate to get into the sport when I was smaller so I fought in many classes and learned via some VERY embarrassing losses just how each class works differently using different sets of dynamics.
In prime I was on a 5000+cal a day diet but rediculous amounts of endurance and cardio workouts. 1000 sit ups a day, 20 mile jogs and all the other fun stuff that is really torture but they call it "training".
I would stand in place and practice popping my jab until my wrists would swell and my elbows hurt so bad I would actually think I could "hear" the pain pounding.....but muscle memory and habits stick with you.
Trust your coach, be clear that yoru not looking to go after a world comp belt and dont want to dedicate your life and potentail brainmatter to a career in boxing, but asess your goal weight and discuss the what, when, and how to get to where you want to be for your next fights. When you shed some weight and get really into fighting shape you are a completly different person. You look in the mirror and feel skinny, but your just really well groomed and ready.
Everyone that starts in boxing is usually overweight, not as in fat, but as in- When comparing fighters as purpose built machines that are broken into classes where weight is a factor. those that do the best carry the least excess baggage.
I would just put bad Ideas in your yead to try and tell you HOW to train. Your coach might ask you to do seemingly stupid things but in time they WORK. Stance, legwork, extreme stretching, all feels like waste of time when you should be hitting a bag like you saw in movies, but it WORKS.


yeah i stretch for 10 mins before a work out and 10 mins after. i did do that stay in place jab until my elbow started hurting, i think i over extended it. yeah i trust my coach and all and no, im proablly not going to do this forever as my career will end up as a NURSE. that'd be cool though. lets say u got messed in a fight brains and here i come as a nurse all buffed out ready to do a spnge bath.
. dang...what would people think of me, as a boxing nurse?
well here i am, i cant find a pic of my friend i faught(ill post later). i must hand it to him he works harder than me and is more fit.
im the sexy beast at the back with the black polo shirt.
dont midn my friends. they're all tards ahaha.