My first death, bummer (suicide)


i just found my mystery wrasse on my filter sponge in my damn refugium. he must have jumped over into my overflow and gone thru the plumbing and wound up on my filter pad. what a drag!!! i guess i should be glad he was visable or i wouldnt have know where he was and he could have been dead somewhere i couldnt find him. he must have only been dead for maybe 24 hours at the most, because i saw him last night, and today at around 6pm i noticed him on the fuge sponge. i checked ammonia and looks like i have trace amounts of it...between 0 and .25, i thought it would be more. what a major drag (most expensive fish i have too).


crap...i just remembered last night i took the damn glass lid (i have lid on back half) off to clean it. that must have been when he took the plunge, because with the glass top on, there isnt enough room between water level and lid for a fish to jump up and over. damn it.


Active Member
aww man sorry... and it couldnt have been just another $20 fish. It had to be the Mystery Wrasse.

who dey

Active Member
bummer. netting over the u-tube intake in ur over-flow
can be a good measure to keep suicide deaths to min!!!