my first ever 75 gallon!


this is my first ever saltwater tank! its been up for about 6 months now and i was just curious to what people would think of it! hope you like it!
some background info...
ive got a little over 90 pounds of live rock
ive got 2 koralia power heads
my only type of filtration is an aqua c remora pro...i no not much but i really like what it does compared to the filtration i did have so yea...

my fish...
i have a koran angel
twinspot wrasse
blue spotted puffer
gold sleeper goby
mimic lemon peel tang i no its not much but im getting there but heres the pics! hope you like!

kinda blurry...i no...sry

the wrasse wouldnt sit still but do they ever?



thanks for the comment! im realy happy with it! at first i couldnt get it the way i wanted it but now i love it!


no there fake but the white one in there i got from my work deaad...bleached and rinsed real good and placed in there


thanks! i wasnt sure if i was to happy with it but no its grown on me! im not sure what fish i would like to add thinking either a one spot fox face...a long nose hawk..or a hawaiin black trigger
mayb some suggestions!
leaning more towards the foxface and the long nose but not quite sure haha


Active Member
The one spot or magnificent foxface are nice. The trigger also sounds cool. What do you plan to do when the angel outgrows the tank?


i just recently purchased a 220 gal so he will have plenty of room!
only had the money for the tank but will b set up in no time ill keep everybody updated and pictures before long