My first experience as a stay-at-home mom


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My wife is currently enjoying a well deserved weekend away. While I am generally a pretty hands-on dad, I've never watched my girls on an all day, all night basis. No need to get into the details of today's chaos, but let me just say that my 10-11 hour work day is a walk in the park compared to this. So, for all the stay at home moms out there...
... you do a hell of a job.


Active Member
Pretty fun ain't it? You have the young'uns that require constant attention and watching. Oh how I remember those days. I can still recite the book Baby Bops ABC word for word.
But then I have not changed a diaper in years...... I honestly do not think I could anymore.


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Originally Posted by Scotts
Pretty fun ain't it? You have the young'uns that require constant attention and watching. Oh how I remember those days. I can still recite the book Baby Bops ABC word for word.
But then I have not changed a diaper in years...... I honestly do not think I could anymore.
Actually you probably missed out on DVR with the kids. I don't know what I'd do without Mickey Mouse and Doodlebops on demand.
Let me just say that I love my girls with all of my heart. This is not the result, however, of today's experience.


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Originally Posted by crimzy
Actually you probably missed out on DVR with the kids. I don't know what I'd do without Mickey Mouse and Doodlebops on demand.
Let me just say that I love my girls with all of my heart. This is not the result, however, of today's experience.
You calling me old???!!!
Actually we had many videotapes for the kids and yes they were a blessing. Although it did look like a toy bomb went off in our house every once in a while. (FYI I am a stay a home dad)
BTW, what is a doodlebop?


Active Member
Doodlebops are on Disney channel, my kids don't like them much. I have been a stay at home dad for the last 4yrs. I have a 2,4,and 6 yr. old. Yes, the days are very long, my wife works 12 and 16 hr shifts at night, so the daytime is hardest for us, so mom can get some rest. I normally go to bed around 2 am and get up at 6:30 or 7, long days, I wouldn't trade it for anything, well maybe my dream reef tank. LOL
Good luck, just be glad no one is sick(knock on wood).


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
My wife is currently enjoying a well deserved weekend away. While I am generally a pretty hands-on dad, I've never watched my girls on an all day, all night basis. No need to get into the details of today's chaos, but let me just say that my 10-11 hour work day is a walk in the park compared to this. So, for all the stay at home moms out there...
... you do a hell of a job.

Thank you, as a stay at home mom, it is much appreciated.


Active Member
going through the same thing myself, jenny started a job last monday, same day school started and she works nights it's been pretty hectic for me as this is all new to me it ain't easy...tobin


Active Member
heh... i did it for almost two years crimzy... puts a whole new spin on things huh... this song is fun and should hit close to home...
"Pampers melt in a Maytag dryer
Crayons go up one drawer higher
Rewind Barney for the sixteenth time
Breakfast, six naps at nine
There's bubble gum in the baby's hair
Sweet potatoes in my lazy chair
Been crazy all day long and it's only Monday


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
heh... i did it for almost two years crimzy... puts a whole new spin on things huh... this song is fun and should hit close to home...
"Pampers melt in a Maytag dryer
Crayons go up one drawer higher
Rewind Barney for the sixteenth time
Breakfast, six naps at nine
There's bubble gum in the baby's hair
Sweet potatoes in my lazy chair
Been crazy all day long and it's only Monday
So true. I just have to make it until tonight. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


Active Member
Its nice to see the working folk give some respect for us stay at home folks. I've been staying home for about 4+ years. My friends always give me a hard time but when I ask if they would like to trade I get no takers.
Its good thing to give the wife some credit crimzy! I know what the lawyer schedule is like. My wife just left today for a 4-5 week trail in FLA. Single parenting won't be a bunch of fun!


Active Member
Yeah, I did a 6-month tour as a stay at home Dad when my boys were 4 and 6. Wasn't so bad. We fished in the local ponds, hung at the pool, went to movies, snorkeled at the beach.....Now 1 is in college and the other is a Senior in High School.
Sometimes I look back at those 6 months and wish it never ended.


Ya know, I have had to unload atleast a thousand pounds of tools and parts on a hundred degree day with no water in sight, to spend the entire day working construction, specificlly stair construction on new houses. Sawdust in my eyes, in my shoes, in my shirt... Hot sweaty, hungry, tired, then we gotta load them tools all back up into the truck, and I tell you what...
It's STILL easier than staying home with the rotten kids.
Work, hard as it was physically, still has an element of freedom. Staying home with the kids, no freedom, never, and that takes a toll...believe me, I know!
A peaceful phone call, impossible. Alone time in the shower, nope. Bathroom in general, forget it!! I think prisoners have more freedom than stay at home parents.
Kudos to you for staying with the kids while the wife leaves!!


I just recently became a stay at home mom. I've worked in the animal field and been a nurse for many yrs as well. To tell you what, I would take on a ticked off great horn owl that has been in a box in the backseat of a car riding for 3 hours to the wildlife rehab center anyday or the nut strung on drug that has been up for 3 days. I dont know which kid I want to sale first the 16 yr old or the 4 yr old. I am happy to be able to have this time with them tho.


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It's interesting that more and more dads these days are taking the full time parent approach. I think it's great. Personally, I wish I could be a stay-at-home dad, considering I don't like my job much but I am a single father. It's been just him and me since December '05. He's 3, so there was quite a bit of the diaper stuff and I had to potty train, etc. Stay at home moms certainly don't have it easy but being a single parent is a lot more difficult, imo (although I do work from home 3 days a week to take care of my son).


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Well, I made it and everyone is relatively unscathed. I also find it interesting that there are so many stay at home dads nowadays. Personally, I'm not sure that I could do it everyday. Parts of the weekend were very challenging and stressful but then other parts were amazing bonding experiences with me and them. All in all, though, thank god she's home.


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Monk I have to go for long stretches of single parenting but I don't work and have to deal with that stress. I always have a light at the end of the tunnel when my wife gets back.
Kudos, to you I don't know how you do it!
You Da man!


Active Member
i have been a stay home dad for 5 years now and i love it, worked in tv for about 20 years it was to get out and the timing was good, now the first year of life is very tough but now they are 4 and 20 months so it is getting easier...its a great full time job if you can get it


Active Member
Heh, thanks Scotts and Tim....I think the trick is to figure out how to occupy him without turning to the TV. I only let him watch an hour or two per week, if that, so I've figured out some interesting tactics this past year. The "play 5 minutes, work (or do housework) 5 minutes" thing helps a lot...especially since he knows I'll be playing again in 5 minutes when I turn to do something. I also set him up with his own computer that has educational games and links to the Disney Channel and Noggin channel games. He's 3 and he's a Linux guru already....haha.
There are still some tough times. In fact, today was the definition of difficult day. We went to Walmart (bad start already) to pick up a couple things and he took off running at one point when we were looking at shoes for him. I had to run half the store to keep up with him and catch him. Then it all went downhill after that; kicking, hitting, throwing, not listening all afternoon/evening. He seemed to want me to get upset, feeding on it and getting worse when I broke down and yelled at him (I hate yelling, it only makes this worse and raises a screamer). He's never been a little monster like this. Anyway, we have the occasional tough day but today was just something else. Guess that happens sometimes?