My first fish into QT tank, comments/help?


Active Member
In that 10 gallon I don't think a PH is necessary. My only worry is anything you get unless you find a small PH will cause A LOT of circulation in the tank. As for you DT definately go for around 15 times turnover. I don't know what gallon size your DT is, but assuming it is say a 50 gallon tank, you need about 3-4 PH that sum up to around 750 gallons per hour (15X50). Make sense? If you are going to have corals then you should aim for a higher turnover rate (around 25 or so, i can't remember if it is 20 or 30).
As for frozen foods, i feed my fish a mixture of raw shrimp (i cut it up myself), frozen brine shrimp (cubes), seaweed, and some type of seafood medly (cubes). The trick is not to feed them one entire cube, and cutting cubes then feeding them is a pain. So what I did was get a small plastic container, then place all the food into that, let is melt so that the food mixes. Then freeze that. Every time you feed them (once a day no more than what they eat within 2 minutes), let the food thaw a few minutes (you can dab water from the DT onto the food to help thaw), then use a turkey bastor to suck up the food and feed it to them.
Personally I would make my own, and I plan to once i've used up this current batch of frozen food. Look in the archive section of the site, people use a mixture of fresh seafood to mixup and feed.
Hope this helps


Thanks, I will look into that, I will make a trip to the LFS, I am going to have a 55g. First tank I wanted to start small.
Thanks again! I will keep you posted


Active Member
Yeah, I think you have the cart ahead of the horse a bit, because the Display is going to take a bit to cycle, longer than you really have to QT. But a lfs told you to qt your fish for 40 days, then sold you your setup for the qt. Sounds like a nice place to me.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
But a lfs told you to qt your fish for 40 days, then sold you your setup for the qt. Sounds like a nice place to me.
Better than my LFS. The owner told me there was no reason to QT fish. "If they look healthy they are healthy".


Well-Known Member
Excellant quarantine, however clownfish really don't like tubes too much. You should take four ceramic tiles and set them up as if in a broodstock tank. (you might get lucky and have your clowns spawn if they are in there long enough.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I disagree. Ornamental plants are perfectly fine to use in a qt for added shelter.
I agree, fish need some shelter. I also agree with sepulatian on the sponge filter. Keep a spare sponge somewhere in your main system, toss the old one when the QT isn't being used--then you'll always have a completely cycled filter available. Also, you seem to have a fairly powerful pump running the sponge filter, which should create some water movement in a small tank.


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
That is correct, when you have an ESTABLISHED DT with FISH and other INVERTS/CORALS QT is a must. But in your case, you don't have it setup yet (or at least that is what i've read) so i'm just letting you know technically if your DT was cycled and just recently setup w/o anything in it you could have just added them.
The QT tank is a place where you can treat your fish if they do have ich. Most ich and parasite treatments (chemicals, dropping salinity) will kill inverts and corals. So people with established DT can't treat in the DT, so this is where the QT tank comes into play. You want to treat them in the QT tank so you don't kill off other inverts. You want to QT for four weeks so that if they do have ich, they don't pass it onto other fish in your DT.
Does that make sense?
I will point out here that quarantining even your first fish will make life much easier for both you and your fish should they need to be treated. You cannot add medicaton into the display tank or it will not be suitable for inverts in the future. If you were to use hyposalinity treatment all rock would have to be remove from the display to treat in there or just to try to catch a small fish in the display tank. It is a good choice to start of right with a qt tank. I know that your display isn't set up yet but I thought I would post this so that others reading understand that it is best to qt the first fish as well as all others.