My First Fish Is Gone !!!


New Member
Well, I need some help. Do fish just disappear? I recently cycled my tank and added my first fish, a six line wrasse. It was doing fine for 2 days and then, it was gone. I thought maybe it had died and was really upset. I looked everywhere for it and even took my lr reef apart. No fish !
I ran tests and everything was excellent. I thought that if it had died, maybe I would get an amonia spike, but nothing. No trace.
Also, I found a claw of a blue leg hermit, that's all.
Did something eat my fish. The only thing I can think of is that there may be a mean critter in the lr. Most of the pieces are 2-4 pounds with a couple of larger pieces (8-12 lbs). Could there be something in there?
What should I do. Add another $12.00 meal for whatever it is ? Is there another explaination for the missing fish ?
Please help. I want more fish in the tank, but I am scared to put them in there.


Active Member
My first guess would to look on the floor. Fish tend to jump out from time to time.
my second guess would be that it may have died on it's own and critters just ate it!
If you are still worried, you may want to buy a cheap fish and see what happens from there?


I have a wrasse that sometimes like to hide in the sand, natural instinct, I wouldn't worry, check filter also.


I had a six line and the bugger would hide in the LR - deep in it too. If ya wanna check for a killer - turn all lights out, house too, wait 2-3 hours and look through the tank with a flashlight. Ya will prob be surprised at the things ya find.


New Member
Another blueleg is dead. MAULED. Earlier, I stated that my missing six-line wrasse was the only fish I had in the tank. I lied, or forgot to mention that there is a 4 1/2 in.lawnmower blenny in the tank. I did not mention him because he was part of my original clean up crew that consisted of 4 turbo snails, 4 astra snails, 4 scarlet and 4 blue leg crabs. I think he is a good guy.
Could the missing six line and the two MAULED blue legs be the victim of the blenny, or should I look for a more sinister culprit ?
Please give me some input.
Thanks as always,
you need NYPD blue :special victims unit are you sure its not your alternate personality going insane eating you fish <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


my fish came down with ick and i was told to get a wrasse to help the fish and he hide in the rock and died so check your rock.


New Member
Still the question remains. Do you think the Blenny could be the culprit ? Has anyone ever heard or a bad Blenny ?
I don't want to feed him anther six-line lunch !


I seriously doubt the blenny is the culprit. I would guess that he is either hiding in the LR or you have a bad guy. You said that the hermit was mauled. How do you mean? Was the shell crushed? If so, it could be the workings of a mantis shrimp. Try the lights out technique, you may see your problem. Mantis shrimp would be my best guess. If you do a web search, you will find tons of photo's and information on these guys too.