My first fish question


New Member
Ok I just ordered my first fish, a Purple Tang. My question is, since this is my first fish, do i need to put it in a Qt tank? I know it is recommended to Qt all fish before introducing them to a tank with other fish. Since this my first fish, is it really needed?


:thinking: thats a interesting one. if he's the only fish in there i would say ok. but if you plan on adding any more soon i would say qt then.just to be safe its your call but tangs are ever so easy to come down with this stuff.maybe someone else will chime in and give there 2 cents :D


i would definitely put it in a qt tank. just because you don't have fish in there doesn't mean that it can't get future fish sick and then you'll have whatever it might have floating around in ur tank.


i have not ordered any from here only heard good things tho.
as for online purchase of fish? yes i have at a diffrent site and i have been happy on all counts:D


i haven't ordered fish from here, but I have ordered lots of inverts-was very pleased.
I would qt him, better safe than sorry. you don't want to risk infecting the whole tank.
enjoy the new fishy