my first fish!!

I bought 2 percula clowns today...woo hoo, they are swimming moving a lot but only on one side of the this normal? and what abnormal behavior should i look for?


Mine did the same for about a day.By the next morning they were back and forth all over the tank.Good luck!


I'm so glad someone else has this same issue! I got my 2 clowns on Saturday (4/12) and one of them (the lfs said it may be female) keeps dodging back and forth and she is jammin'!! The other one just swims around....up and down the side of the tank....personally I don't think he can keep up with that woman! I am trying to figure out their behavior myself!! I hear they are "odd" characters :rolleyes:


Welcome to the board. Make sure you monitor the water closely in that nano tank to prevent un-wanted dying off of the fish. Live rock and a deep sea bed of sand will help you greatly.

blue dew

This is cool!
I also just got my first fish for the tank today, and they're a pair of Ocellaris Clowns too. They seem to be doing the same thing, hanging out for the most part on the right side of the tank. The smaller of the two has ventured across the tank once or twice but then zips back over next to the larger one.


Congrats on your latest purchase...I'm jealous. Once my tank is done cycling, I plan on getting a pair of Ocellaris Clowns too. From what everyone's posting, it sounds like they should be very fun to watch!