My first nano


I have a JBJ 12 gal. nano cube. It did not come with any instructions so there a few unaswered questions. The filter is built in the back. There are four chambers, one with a sponge, one with white oblong round things, one with a bag of carbon, and one that has the ph and bioballs. Is this oder correct or does it matter. Thanks -Alex
if you look on the box, theres a picture that shows a different order than what it came it shows sponge, carbon, ceramic rings w/ bio balls, then tubes so i changed mine to that don't think it matters that much though, couldn't tell ya


New Member
I've tested my water about 5 or six times and as of late my ph is finally right on so is my salidity nitrates and nitrites. but still killing fish not sure what is going on just added a mini jet today and a massive water change at the request of the fish store. Frustrated!!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you


Active Member
Welcome to

It will help us if you can post your test results in real numbers. Do you have live rock/sand? Also, what livestock is in your tank, how long has it been running etc.


New Member
real numbers?? The fish store does tests every time where the colors turn a light yellow, purple for the PH and a light blue. I have live sand a two pieces of live rock. I went through one cycle (1 month). I would really like to have the coral and the real bright colors in there but am afraid of killing it all.

cayman isl


Originally posted by golfguy
real numbers?? The fish store does tests every time where the colors turn a light yellow, purple for the PH and a light blue. I have live sand a two pieces of live rock. I went through one cycle (1 month). I would really like to have the coral and the real bright colors in there but am afraid of killing it all.

If they are using the Salwater Master kit the light yellow could be either 0 ppm ammonia (good) or 0 to 5 ppm nitrates (also good). The purple is probably an 8.2 or 8.4 range of Ph (good) and the light blue sounds ike a 0 ppm reading for nitrites (good).
If the yellow one was a milky looking yellow then it was for ammonia, if it was a clear yellow, then nitrates. Hopefully it wasn't a milky yellow-green which could be a 0.25 ppm level of ammonia (not good).


Active Member
Sorry, I assumed you tested yourself. I would advise you to start testing yourself. Lots of members on this board recommend Salifert test kits.
I'm curious as to why your LFS suggested a large water change after telling you the water readings were normal.
There may be something in your water that cannot be tested for. Do you/can you run some carbon in your filtration?
How did you cycle your tank? What fish have you had in your tank? Has everything died?
Corals are generally not recommended for new set-ups, but rather for a mature tank that has been stable for several months.
A few good books might also be a good idea. The Contientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner is highly recommended. It may save alot of money and grief.


New Member
No problem, about the self test and will take your advice about the book that will only help. I had 4 hermet crabs (2 are still kicking) 2 chocolate chip star fish, 2 damsels and 1 fire fish goby. I have a 12 gallon nano cube. 2 pieces of LR and LS pretty boring huh!! Especially after seing all of the really good looking tanks on this board!! I really want to do something like that but not sure if I can disturb the LR and LS?? They also told me to get a mini jet so I bought one and took about 4.5 gallons out of my tank and bought 4.5 gallons from them and I put it in to get more circulation I guess and that was about 4 hours ago. The reason for the large water change is because this was the second time that this happened. LMK what you think
Eric in Colo.


Active Member
Can you post a pic of your tank?
My only guess is that you probably stocked too heavily, too quickly. Are the two hermits all that is left?
When you re-stock, I would consider one small fish only (and maybe a few snails). Twelve gallons will not give you any margin for error. If you add any more than that, you will likely experience water quality problems.
If the system remains stable for at least a month, then maybe you could add another small fish (depending on the species).
On a side note: This nano forum tends not to get the most traffic. If you have questions that go unanswered, try the new hobbyist or reef forums. It'll probably be seen by more members.


On a side note: This nano forum tends not to get the most traffic. If you have questions that go unanswered, try the new hobbyist or reef forums. It'll probably be seen by more members.
Good advice karajay!


Active Member
Hey golfguy - WELCOME!!!

I would highly suggest posting in your own thread in the future (as well as posting in another forum if you don't get a quick response).
Someone earlier (karajay) mentioned no room for error - and I agree. IN your 12 gallon tank you will have prescious little room for error. What do you use for top off water?? Your tank will evaporate water and if you are adding straight tap water back in you may be drastically swing your PH. A lot of folks try to drip the top off water in or add a little at a time all the time. Also you should use RO or RO/DI water for top off. The RO/RO/di water should also be aireated over night before adding it. Personally I run it in a big rubbermaid trash can and just let it bubble away. If you don't the PH of your top water could be as low as 4 or 5 and it will being down the tank PH from its 8.0 - 8.2 range drastically. In a 12 gallon tank this could be a major major problem! Shocking your fish and inverts and the water would take a LONG time to recover.
What do you have left in the tank?? The LS and the LR might seem boring now but give it time it will help.
Also - the chocolate chip star fish are not considered reef safe.


New Member
All I have are the two hermit crabs two pieces of LR and LS. Since the mini jet was put in the tank looks alot better and the crabs are moving more.