my first new fish


hello today i added my very first marine fish it has been hiding for a lot of time then become out for a while then goers back into hilding why is it doing this is it ganna be ok i have had in the tank for 5 hours


Hes hiding becuase hes scared of a new place. Lots of fish do this. just leave him be for a few days and he will slowly get more active. he might not be eating for teh first few days either. they can go a while without eating so dont worry too much about that. If it goes over a week then you have a problem.
Did you get the damsel?


yeah i got yellow tail one it looks like there is nothing in the tank i am gussing this is a good sign if he has been a live this long i am hoping anyways he sems to be active then goes back into hideing i got him brine shimp


Remember this forum is mainly americans ... its their bedtime at the moment which is why you havent got any further replies :)
I have found in the past that damsels can be quite scared for the first week or so, they will come out, but if you move too close to the tank, or make sudden movements, they tend to quickly hide.
Did you get frozen or live brine shrimp? I dont think they are the best fish food, but will be ok for a bit i suppose, the others will all have good ideas on what is best to feed him.

eric b 125

thats pretty normal david. give it a few days and the damsel will be out and about.

gill again68

Active Member
Yeah, I could imagine if someone came and took me out of my house and put me in a new house with people poking their heads in my room that I may want to do a little peekaboo as well till I figured out their intentions.
I am sure you know this but make sure when you stock your tank you go from the least aggressive fish to the most aggressive. That way your least aggressive have a chance to claim a territory in the tank.
Also if you want some replies then most people here love pictures!
I would imagine that most peoples libraries have books with very few words and mostly pictures in it.

Good Luck.


In his other post he mentioned he was getting clowns and that the damsel was a temporary test to see if the water parameters were ok.
Im not sure why the "well?" post, I didnt see a question in your last post? what were you asking?


ok i have had him in my tank for 24 hours now he lived over night yesterday his colour went a bit fade but today when i woke up he was swiiming around the tank really quick and things his colour is coming back a bit alot darker i am guessing this is a good sign that i can can my clowns sooon ? i will send u pics i think he is also eating the brwn agle or the side of the tank ??


by the way i hope be stocking my tank to much cos its only 12 gallon tank the most i am putting there is two of the clowns and mabye the damels can stay i will see how how things go ?


Active Member
I'd say wait about a week and then do a water test. Make sure your levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are all in order before you add more fish. =)