My First Post


New Member
Hi Every 1.
Im new to the site but old to this hobby, i have been keeping salt water tanks for 13 years. I am including pics of my new tank mates. MY Six Line and my Royal Gramma.



I remeber when my rock was white like that!
your tank looks nice! you should post a full view picture! keep up the good work1


Welcome to the board, here you will share your knowledge and gain more this is a very awsome board
Can we see a whole tank shot


Active Member
Welcome to the board!! Good for you getting such great pics of a 6-line. Not an easy task!!

Hope to see ya round more...


I'm looking into getting a royal gramma because I just love their personalities and their coloration!
Yours looks real nice!


New Member
Thanks for all the comments and kudos, I just realized that i dont have a full tank shot yet. I will take one this weekend and post it on mon. I left the camera cord somewhere and i for got where i put it. Yeah that rock is my center piece, i have had it for like 7 years. A Flor. Cond. anem. used to be on it but we moved it to a friend of mine nano.


Active Member
Hello, and welcome to!!!!
You have a very clean looking tank, and the fish look very good, also!


Active Member
Originally Posted by DrummerKev
Thanks for all the comments and kudos, I just realized that i dont have a full tank shot yet. I will take one this weekend and post it on mon. I left the camera cord somewhere and i for got where i put it. Yeah that rock is my center piece, i have had it for like 7 years. A Flor. Cond. anem. used to be on it but we moved it to a friend of mine nano.
Welcome to the boards!
Nice looking fish. You said you've had that rock for 7 years? It looks so "new" and white.


Active Member
do u scubb ur rocks or use bleach...cuz thats the cleanest lookin rocks i've seen especailly at 7 years..but great tank. love the sixline...mine died after being nipped at by my big clown.


New Member
No I didn't use bleach,
I don't think the rock is still alive. I think every thing died off, it was in a bucket of salt water with Areation for like 5 months. But it is slowly comeing back. I have been noticing more and more purple algea on it
and on the newer rock, higher in the tank, there is more brown algea.


New Member
So as I promised earlier in the week here are some full tank shots, there kinda blurry, sorry my d100 was charging
.... and the rock that every 1 is commenting on, what you see is the underside of how is used to sit. Thats why it is still white
