My first QT tank all setup!

This is my first 10g QT tank all setup. Actually, these are my very first fish as well, so wish me luck! I tried putting up thick black poster board paper all on the sides and back but for some reason the glass is still very reflective. Fish don't seem to mind it though, they seem very happy ;) I have a powerhead on order as well. Enjoy the pics!

It's a 10 gallon tank with just a hang on back power filter, has a filter media with carbon etc. Has a 50 watt heater and I then added a powerhead rated at 145gph. As you can see I just added some PVC pipe and it's all done.
Hope this helps, good luck!


Did you cycle the QT? How long did it take? My 10 gal QT has been cycling for 4 weeks....Its driving me crazy!
Lol, ya I know what you mean, I hate all the waiting as well, worst part of this hobby for sure. I put a raw shrimp in mine to start the cycle process and it only took about 3 weeks. My fish have been in there for a little over 3 weeks now and everyone is doing fine, have not lost one yet ;) Moving them into my DT today actually :)
Originally Posted by Krista921
that valentini looks like its STARVING
or maybe its just a weird angle...
My puffer is just fine. Probably the angle, he does swim sideways at a angle. I feed him every other day and he really eats well. Had him for 3 weeks now and he seems fine.