My first salt water tank


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Originally Posted by Granny
Wait, you are scaring me! At the top of this post, you said you are cycling. Live rock is great for cycling, but then you dont add fish till you are finished with that cycle. When did you add your fish? and what is the "its ok, walter died?" Its NEVER ok if our fish die and especially if we caused that death by putting them into a cycling tank. Then you purchased 2 more fish to put in there??? Am I confused about the progression of this link or what?
My tank finished cycling about a week and a half ago. All of my parameters are at 0 (except for pH and nitrate, nitrate is at 10). Hope that clears up some confusion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lysol
How did your tank end its cycle in less than a week?
My tank has been cycling since mid November. I didnt take the pics until a couple weeks afterward.


Active Member

Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
My tank finished cycling about a week and a half ago. All of my parameters are at 0 (except for pH and nitrate, nitrate is at 10).
Hope that clears up some confusion.
WOA! ph should be around 8,and the nitrates and nitrites should be 0. That will KILL your fish!!!! (as it did mine.....


Active Member

Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
My tank finished cycling about a week and a half ago. All of my parameters are at 0 (except for pH and nitrate, nitrate
is at 10). Hope that clears up some confusion.
O ya and you said nitrates twice


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
WOA! ph should be around 8,and the nitrates and nitrites should be 0. That will KILL your fish!!!! (as it did mine.....
Yeh i meant to say that my nitrate is at 10 and my pH is at 8.0


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
well nitrate should be 0 too
I read in this Marine Aquarium Book that Nitrates had to be under 20 and that when it reaches 50 or more that could threaten your fishes life.


Active Member
Got some fish n things. Heres some pics. There ALOT better than my first ones. Used a real digital camera. Got a Clown, damsel, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, and some snails and hermit crabs.


Active Member
Do you have 2 cleaner shrimp now? Theyre going kill each other unless they were a mated pair.
Make sure your tank is cycled and well before adding much but its too late to say that now. Keeping the nitrates as low to 0 as possible is crucial. Even nitrates of 10 can drive a system to stress and die.
Try to think of it this way. Theres huge oceans with an immeasurable amount of nitrates in them. They do great in the oceans because that amount is so diluted by the volume of water. We only have 55 gallons of that, and a nitrate reading of 10 is actually very concentrated compared to the fish's natural habitats.
Despite what the book says, I would try to keep the nitrates as close to 0 as possible, and the pH as close to 8.2-8.4 as possible too.


i totally disagree with paintballer on the shrimp deal. they will not kill each other what so ever. it doesent matter whether they are a maited pair or not. my self and tons of other people have bought cleaner shrimp at diffrent times and they dont kill each other they actually reproduce in the aquarium. n e ways thats not the issue though because u have a fire shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. they will live peacfully in the tank as long as they have their own terrotories. the only shrimp u have to really worry about with other shrimp is coral banded shrimp and mantis shrimp.


this sounds exactly how my first saltwater fish tank was setup.
Lets just say the amount of money spent for one big failure wasnt worth it.
Hopefully the same does not happen to you.


Originally Posted by brandon7491
i totally disagree with paintballer on the shrimp deal. they will not kill each other what so ever. the only shrimp u have to really worry about with other shrimp is coral banded shrimp and mantis shrimp.
Exactly, just make sure that they can establish their own territories.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Toeknee
this sounds exactly how my first saltwater fish tank was setup.
Lets just say the amount of money spent for one big failure wasnt worth it.
Hopefully the same does not happen to you.
Thanks for the heads up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Triggerz92
Exactly, just make sure that they can establish their own territories.

My fire shrimp and cleaner shrimp are both perfectly fine with each other. They have plenty of space and dont bother one another.