My first saltwater tank - 14g Biocube journal


Hello again Krak,
I had the same issue when I upgraded to a maxi 900. I put some pvc plumbers tape around the part of the Flo that connects to the tank. The tape is just really really thin pvc. It's not adhesive, so there is nothing that may leach into the tank.
You may also try a thin strip of plastic cling wrap or a part of a plastic sandwich bag.
Took a couple tries to get it in without the tape getting all wrinkled, but I did eventually get it in. Works like a charm.
Is your maxijet still making noise? Is it a rattling or a low humming sound?
If it's rattling, take it out and remove the fan thingy (technical term) from inside the pump. Rinse it all out and reassemble it. Mine had an annoying rattle to it when I first got it.


Here is an update:
Attachment 206095
so hard to take a pic of my six line
Attachment 206096
Attachment 206097
So a bit of an update. I bought two clownfish but one committed suicide. He jumped over the back wall and onto my filter floss. When I got home, I found him all dried up on the floss. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
What do you guys think of the layout? I kind of want to change it a bit. I'm still not satisfied. I kind of want to push the rocks against the glass so I can get more open area. It feels a bit cramped right now.
I think I'm going to get an open brain and a frogspawn coral.
Current livestock is:
2 O. clownfish
1 six line wrasse
1 yellow clown goby
1 cleaner shrimp
1 scarlet hermit
4 blue legged hermits
a bunch of snails
