My first saltwater tank


New Member
55 gallon tank. 70 lbs live rock. 1 yellow tang, 1 niger trigger. Several coral. Been up and running for about 3 months now.


Looks very nice. What kind of lighting and filtration do you have? Just curious


New Member
1 Protein Skimmer, 2 power heads and a whisper hang on.
As for backgrounds, I don't really like them, I think they tend to take attention away from the fish and corals.
Lighting is PC 2 98 watt white and 2 98 blue


How long have you had your Brain coral? I have been wanting one but was scared off by the light requirements. Tank looks great by the way.


doesnt your niger ever mess around with your corals i thought they were not reef safe. and you'll need to upgrade to at least a 75 for that niger


New Member
I've had the brain coral for about 1 month. At times it's really big, other times it closes down but all in all it's been really good. As for the Niger, it doesn't bother the corals at all, I think the Niger is one of the few triggers that doesn't bother coral. Actually the tang is bigger and will probably have to be replaced before the trigger because of size.. Since the only other fish are the 3 small ones and since I don't plan on adding any other fish I think the 55 gallons will be ok for at least a year or so.


New Member
Not sure as I don't remember names of corals very well after I leave the lfs....... but no purple urchin.... it's solid black..............


New Member
Tank Looks nice.
A solid background wouldn't take away from the inhabitants.
BTW, I think that's Aiptasia beside your frogspawn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandiemay
BTW, I think that's Aiptasia beside your frogspawn.

Wow, really good eye!!
Very nice looking tank, but I would agree that a solid background will only enhance your inhabitants, not take away from them. Either way, your tank looks great.
Lisa :happyfish


Or do what I did and tape some black felt to the back of the tank..
Then if you don't like it or need to spy behind the rocks it's easy to move to sneak a peak and very cheap.


Active Member
not to good with corals being that i only have a fowlr, but isnt that a plate coral, not an anemone? :notsure:


New Member
Originally Posted by teen
not to good with corals being that i only have a fowlr, but isnt that a plate coral, not an anemone? :notsure:
It does appear to be a plate, but I am no expert. However, if it is a plate it should be placed on the sand and not on rocks. The rocks will damage them.