About two months ago, I transfered evrything into my 125 gallon that previously housed two 22" banded cat sharks, a 20" moray ell and various fish. I got rid of the sharks, eel and some fish and did a massive water change. I had been keeping up my calcium and all that even while I had the sharks in there, so keeping those levels stable was no problem. My problem was sky high nitrates. I was testing and it was showing very low levels but everything looked very bad. I lost all of my xenias and most of my green zoos. I took some water to my lfs to test it, I didn't trust my kit, and they were waay high. I was right, my kit was giving me a bad reading. Well, eventually, I set up a fuge in my sump with caulerpa, LR, a bit of sand and some halimeda. After a month or so, and some water changes, my nitrates were down to about 10 ppm. I recently started adding more corals, fish and an awesome long tentacle anemone with a beautiful baby maroon clown hosting it(see pic). Finally, everything is stable and starting ot look pretty good again. It was very disappointing that I lost what I did and actually, that finger leather that you see in the upper right hand side is alive but looks nowhere near as good as it did in that photo. My recent additions are hammers, frogspawn, cabbage leather, LTA, a huge two headed umbrella coral and a scolymia that wasin a frag tank due to the fact that half of it was dead but it was on its way back an regrowing. the reason i bought it is I want to see how healthy my tank really is. If it comes back, which it already seems to be after a week, then i am good to go. All of my recent additions other than the umbrella are frages. The next step will be to add about 50 more pounds of live rock. My tank is a bit bare on rock. I have about 12-18" of clear space on each end of my aquascape. Anyways, i'm finally having fun with the tank again after about a month of depression due to the goings on with it. I just restructured my rocks and corals today and will post some pics asap. Thanks for the interest.