Here's a pics of my mother colony of the pink polyp cap and the superman monti.
The reason why the prices on the superman monti can be so variable is because there's many look-a-likes. Only the original superman (pictured above) commands the 80 bucks per 1/2" or so price. All the look-a-likes or copycats can be bought for the same price or less for a mini colony because the color isn't as intense as the original.
The original superman is known to have come from John Susbilla (Tubs), but John had actually got the first colony from a guy named Jason Kho a few years ago. Jason just recently got a frag from me to grow again.
Jamie, prices really depend on the actual piece. You can join your local club and people would probably just give you small frags of digitatas or caps that grow fast. Or you can get some of the rarer and more colorful pieces for $80+ for 1/2" or so.
Thx for the nice trade TX. The clam's not as blue as the pic showed, but still looks really pretty.