My first SW tank


Hi all!

This is my first post, first SW tank, wow! :jumping:
This is a great forum and I have been watching and reading posts for about 2 weeks. A great place to live and learn!

I just got this tank set up about 3 months ago. I bought it from someone I found on a bullitin board at a lfs. It is a 90 gal. It came with approx. 75 lbs. of LR and 2-3 inches of CC. a protien skimmer, a charcoal filter w/ bio wheel, an assortment of power heads, and a domino damsle, maroon clown, star fish, and about 15-20 blue legged hermit crabs, and I thought 1 or 2 feather dusters (turns out like about 8-10 :cheer: ). I have since added a odessa lt. system 265wt. actinic & white lt. about 25lbs of LR more power heads. (I aliminated some of the others, they were old and noisy) And also some more neibors for the current residents:
a royal gramma, bicolor blenny, shrimp goby pink&blue, green manderine,yellow tang,foxface, arrow crab, porcelain crab, coral banded shrimp, 10-15 turbo snails, green ricordea mushroom,and a umbrella mushroom. I just took my readings and they are pretty much on point, I think :notsure:
0 nitrate
0 nitrite
0 ammonia
78 deg.
8.2-8.6 PH (a little high?)
When I set the tank up I put a plennum (sp) system in it, recommende by the lfs.
here are some pics, all comments, critisisms, praise, welcome! :help:



Active Member
Looks like your off to a great start. Keep up the good work and things should progress nicely.


What is in the background? looks pretty neat, makes the tank look like it goes forever. I love the rock with the hole in it. Nice tank, I love to see close ups of you fish.


Active Member
flpriest...Your new 90 gal is off to a great start...keep us up to date with these great the way, I am very interested in the idea of using a plenum. How did you create yours? did you just use an undergravel filter covered with nylon screen, or did you build a base with egg crate?....can you tell us how you set this up....I was thinking of doing this on a second smaller tank.


Thank you every one! The back ground is one of those pics with plant life, anenomies and rock work in it. When I put it on I sprayed water on the glass and stuck the paper to it. Since then it has gotten some air bubbles and come off the glass in some areas. I built the plenum using egg crate from Home Depot, I used 2" PVC and cut them into 1/2" sections for support. Once I got that stuff in the tank I covered the egg crate with nylon netting then added 1" of my CC, then covered that with another layer of nylon netting then added the rest of the CC. Thanks again everyone, I'll post some pics of my fish later. :joy:

nm reef

Active Member
Another post in the photography forum with intersting photos but probably more appropiate over in the new hobbyist forum or maybe the fish forum....
The photography forum is more suited to topics specifically about photos and general discussion about the topic of photography.
I'm just thinking that responses and input would be grater over in one of the other forums.