My first Tang....Yellow Eye Kole Tang :)


After a month searching my LFS i finally found a Yellow Eye Kole Tang. He's great but shy as hell lol.. So far all i got is the Kole Tang, 2 B/W Clowns, and 3 Green Chromis. Im just curious if anyone has any pointers, advice, or anything they can give me for my tang. I appreciate any info i cant get thanks alot guys


For the tang I would go to the grocery and get nori sheets vs. buying them from the fish store. Also just be patient it will come out and be all over the tank in time. I see you live in the 757 what fish stores do you go to?


My fav is Reefchief, Animal jungle has a new saltwater manager and for the last few weeks been getting beautiful fish and corals, umm there's a place called the The Reefroom it's kinda like a garage setup in the back of someone house but he has excellent prices and livestock. Those are the main 3 I deal with but there's a few others I just try to stick with what I know. Where u located at in Va?


Oh yea your talking abou the seaweed sheets at the Asian Stores? Should I add any supplements like vita-chem, garlic, or anything. That's what I usually soak my food in but if u got any advice on others I open to new ideas


I live in Newport News right now. I've been in the hobby on and off for like 6 years and just found Reef chief earlier this week haha. And if what you're soaking your food in works for you, I'd stick with it.