My first tank too~!


This is the full tank shot. My background was for my old tank and wasn't tall enough for this one--I haven't gotten around to getting a new one for it.
My baby fishy and a crabby--can anybody tell me what kinda crab this is? He's the biggest of my cleaners.
A penny to show how small my fishies are, they're REAL babies~!
All 3 of my fishy tank mates, they get along all fine and dandy.
He only really comes out during feeding, afterwards he goes back to his little cave or stays in the back of the tank behind the rocks.
I'd really like to get corals in it, but with the Eclipse 12 it's really hard to fit a protein skimmer on it. I plan on just cutting off part of the top, getting rid of the filter that goes along with it, and buying a skimmer/filter duo, hopefully that will work. For now these only have fluorescent lights too, my 50/50 lights I ordered hasn't come in yet...I just like the color of the 50/50 lights, they're prettier~!
P.S. Why are IMG vbcodes off? I would think this would be better as you can host the images elsewhere and not have to take up SWF's server space when uploading images...HTML codes would help too with the <img src...


Some nice pics, but when those clowns grow 1 will either die or get attacked and have a crappy life as the sub-female...But nice tank


They were purchased together, and one of them does the dance constantly, I'm hoping that they continue living peacefully as they have been. They sleep together and are almost inseperable so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a mate just so I don't have to worry about one of them getting killed by the other.
I'm planning on upgrading my tank anyway so I can get the skimmers and proper current Eclipse 12 is forbidding me to get a skimmer w/o trouble...and good lighting for corals so I'm hoping for a tank setup with a canopy instead.
I'm aiming for a 30 or 40 gallon--but plan on keeping this one for at least a year. I figure if I can maintain a 12 gallon without any fish deaths...since there's a larger margin for error for a larger tank, I should be okay...what do you think?