My First Tank


I use RO water and I read this could be a bloow of diatoms and it goes away stuff in the sand will clean it up, but I bought the bags of sand and wondering if this will take longer for my sand to get the good stuff in it.


Active Member
mike your tank looks awesome thankyou for sharing your pictures...glad to see your new lighing it sure looks so much better,,have a great day...


I got a hard question. If I get a tiger pistol shrimp to hang out with my watchman goby and I don't have a cave for both of them to hang out will they not be friends? Or will he bring some kind love to my watchman gobay and my fire fish and give them the feeling of security of his presence and all my fish will come hang out in the open? I don't know how that works cause Im debateing on a pistol shrimp which would be cool if my watchman goby comes out more, but if that wouldn't work I would rather get a sexy shrimp. Which one should I get for my tank?


I was looking at my tank and I think on the right side where my watchman is I can prop the big rock up with the little rocks on top and dig a ditch below it and see how big it can get Ill take pictures later when I try it out.


When the lights come on he opens up all the way and if I touch him he shuts, but shouldn't he shut all the way closed? Or should there be a small gap I don't remeber what he did before.