My First Tank


Hey Guys I just wanted to thank everyone for there help in getting my tank rolling I just got the first shipment of fish and etc... in on thurs. here are some pics they are all doing wonderful, was a little scared for the puffer but he is doing great today!!!!!!

your star and urchin are going to starve with out anything to eat. you will need to obtain a lot of live rock to manage keeping even one of those alive. if you are dead set on keeping them you need to figure out how to spot feed them some type of algea.


Active Member
Ok, the gorgonian you added is non-photosynthic (sp.) and very difficult to keep, it is a filter feeder, all starfish are rather difficult and shouldn't be added to a new tank, you should wait for a year or so for your tank to be stable before adding starfish, I believe that one needs to be spotfed but hopefully someone else will know,that urchin eats algea mostly which you have none of, buy some dried algea sheets for it, that puffer will get way to big for your tank fast and is a very messy eater, you should be feeding him clams, shrimp, mussels, etc to grind down his teeth. Also without any live rock, adding that much bioload may crash your tank, make sure you are testing your parameters, ammonia and nitrite especially.
Did you do any research on these animals before you bought them? Saltwater fish keeping is a very expensive hobby and not one to jump into without research, this happens to many newbies and can untimately led to them giving up due to the disappointment of dying animals and money lost when a simple search of achives for beginner info or using the search function when you have questions may have prevented it.