My First Tank

jimmy 4

Here are some pics of my tank. Its nothing compared to most of the other tanks that ive seen on this forum. I need a better light i think along with a better filter system. I can't get the coraline algea to grow very well. I think i have too many fish, but nothing is dying on me. I've had this tank for a few years, but I haven't put a lot of money into it. Coarls are expensive.



Active Member
I like it!
I don't think I've seen that many plants in a saltwater tank before, almost looks like a freshwater tank. It's very cool though.

Edit: Is your calcium levels high enough for the coraline growth. It needs to be around 400-420 for it to grow. And then you also need your alk to be up.


New Member
Wow! I think it's really nice. Your fish look healthy. I think you are on the right track. Maybe just leave it the way it is, because it's impressive just as it is.

jimmy 4

Originally Posted by Am00re34
do you feed your shrimp starfish??
No he just eats what ever food that floats by him. They are known for eating some of their host anemone but he is small. he is a "sexy shrimp".

jimmy 4

Originally Posted by azfishgal
I like it!
I don't think I've seen that many plants in a saltwater tank before, almost looks like a freshwater tank. It's very cool though.

Edit: Is your calcium levels high enough for the coraline growth. It needs to be around 400-420 for it to grow. And then you also need your alk to be up.
I don't check my calcium levels. I just add calcium each week. Maybe i should get a calcium test kit. I do check the ph though.... its around 8.4


Active Member
Looks good, but have to ask if thats an anenome in your tank? If so, how long have you had it? Its looks ok, but you said you need better lighting, so wondering how its doing so well in your tank? What lighting do you have?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Am00re34
do you feed your shrimp starfish??

its a harliquin (sp) shrimp that eats the starfish not sexy shrimp, but they do have some of the same coloring


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jimmy 4
I don't check my calcium levels. I just add calcium each week. Maybe i should get a calcium test kit. I do check the ph though.... its around 8.4
If you want good coraline growth you'll need your calcium level to be around 420 or so. Since you are adding calcium you might want to start testing to make sure you are not doing to much, but it doesn't sound like it, probably not doing enough. Regardless your tank looks cool.

Edit: I add calcium every day too, but when i first tested it was really low at 300, so I had to add a full 8oz bottle (within 48 hours) to my 125 gallon before my calcium levle was even close. Now that it's where it needs to be I add a daily dose to keep it there.

jimmy 4

Originally Posted by puffer32
Looks good, but have to ask if thats an anenome in your tank? If so, how long have you had it? Its looks ok, but you said you need better lighting, so wondering how its doing so well in your tank? What lighting do you have?
Yeah I have 2 sebea anemones. I’ve had the larger one for about 7 months and just recently bought the smaller white one with the sexy shrimp. It seems like the larger sebea has doubled in size since I bought it, but it is hard to determine anemone growth since they fill with water.
I have a 30 gallon long tank with a coral life 50/50 96 watt bulb. It seems to work well with the few corals and anemones that I have. Some time in the future when I have a better job I plan on upgrading to a larger tank with much better equipment, I am pretty low tech at the moment. corals are Expensive!! Lol
Thank you all for the positive comments.
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