My First Two Fish


Big mistake on purchasing the yellow tails. I had some they were a bitch to get out. They were also super aggressive toward fish the same size and fish way bigger than it.


New Member
I started out with my first fish being a yellow tail damsel, and have yet to have any problems with mine. Fish are like kids, some are just plain mean and others and fine. Good luck, I hope yours work out for you and can provide some nice color for your tank as mine have done for me.

l.i. geo

congrats on your first two fish, good luck with them.if you like them then keep em'. just be careful what fish you add next. good luck


Active Member
I've always liked yellow tail damsels, love the color, hate the personality....
If you put them in yoru tank there is a good chance they will be aggressive and cause problems, not all of them will but a very high percentage will. They are one of the hardest fish to catch, almost like they have ESP or something.
Consider another fish, maybe a watchman goby, chromis or anthias...


Active Member
I was wondering if you were using these to cycle your tank, since that seems to be what most people get damsels for... If so, please take them back to your fish store. The damsel method of cycling is outdated and rather cruel to the fish. Ammonia burns their gills and shortens their life-span.
If your tank is fully cycled, others have already noted it, but damsels get territorial and can attack other fish, often to the point of killing them. If you plan on keeping just the damsels in the tank, you'll be fine, otherwise, you might want to get them out now, or at least before you add too much live rock or other places for them to hide. They're not easy to remove once they've become accustomed to the tank.


Active Member
I have noticed you have been around a few months and read some, so I assume you know about the damsel issues. What are your plans for your tank? Give us more info on your tank. Size, #'s of lr/ls, lights, filtration. Any info would help to give more advise and help make sure your livestock will be compatable.


Originally Posted by mcbdz
I have noticed you have been around a few months and read some, so I assume you know about the damsel issues. What are your plans for your tank? Give us more info on your tank. Size, #'s of lr/ls, lights, filtration. Any info would help to give more advise and help make sure your livestock will be compatable.

They are going in to my 90 gallon bow but for right now they are in the quarantine tank. I am how ever going to take them back due to I am only using them to cycle my DT.
Stock List
Yellow Tang
2 Cinnamon Clown


Originally Posted by Lysol
I am how ever going to take them back due to I am only using them to cycle my DT.
I know you've heard this before, but please don't use fish to cycle. Use a shrimp or something else that won't suffer.


Reminds me of my LFS. I was there this weekend and I overhead one of the employees give advise to a customer on cycling his tank. His advise was to use a bunch of yellow tail damsels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lysol
They are going in to my 90 gallon bow but for right now they are in the quarantine tank. I am how ever going to take them back due to I am only using them to cycle my DT.
Stock List
Yellow Tang
2 Cinnamon Clown
Are you 100% sure you want 2 cinnamon clowns in your 90. I only ask this because I have one, and let me just say I wish I had none. My cinnamon is a royal pain. I have a RBTA that it housed right away....very cool. However, now it has become the resident B.....I cannot put my hand in the tank anywhere, and I mean anywhere, without her attacking me. She will knock over any corals that I place anywhere near her anenome......I have to use putty to attach them. By anywhere near, I mean a good 12 inches right or left. I wish I had gone with the easy going temperment clowns like the ocellaris. This is just a thought. They are beautiful, but full of vinegar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lysol
They are going in to my 90 gallon bow but for right now they are in the quarantine tank. I am how ever going to take them back due to I am only using them to cycle my DT.
Stock List
Yellow Tang
2 Cinnamon Clown
Are those already in there or are you planning on getting those?
If you're planning, don't get the yellow tang because it needs a bigger tank.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Are those already in there or are you planning on getting those?
If you're planning, don't get the yellow tang because it needs a bigger tank.
Nothing is in my Dt now.
Originally Posted by Anonome

Are you 100% sure you want 2 cinnamon clowns in your 90. I only ask this because I have one, and let me just say I wish I had none. My cinnamon is a royal pain. I have a RBTA that it housed right away....very cool. However, now it has become the resident B.....I cannot put my hand in the tank anywhere, and I mean anywhere, without her attacking me. She will knock over any corals that I place anywhere near her anenome......I have to use putty to attach them. By anywhere near, I mean a good 12 inches right or left. I wish I had gone with the easy going temperment clowns like the ocellaris. This is just a thought. They are beautiful, but full of vinegar.
Thanks for the advice