My fish and invert list so far... opinions welcome.


Don't do a sixline. They're VERY aggressive, and you'll hear that from almost anyone that owns them. Most fish that are "schooling fish" such as the firefish, do better in trios, than in pairs, that's why we keep suggesting three instead of two. Or do one. The Six Line would absolutely beat on the firefish and would probably be nasty to the Royal Gramma.


Hmm... well if I don't do the sixline, would going back to the the idea of the single cardinalfish work? Or perhaps a zebra dartfish?


Well-Known Member
I had a six line and he was the bully of the tank....actually would chase my chromis some times lol....lucky for me he disappeared lol.
Is it me or does this hobby have a MIA problem lol.
I suggested the trio's of those fish cuz they are schooling. Believe me it'll look kool when they are a actual school of fish than just one! When u say zebra dartfish...u mean the bar gobys right? I have 2 of em and they are also schoolers lol kool fish but they are skidish. Now that theyve warmed up a lil, they swim with my firefish even. Give em time and they are awsome.
You will need eggcrate or a net as suggest by nike!!!!!!
Im not really a fan of the royal gramma or the cardinals cuz they tend to stay in one place....just me though!
Good luck and let us know ur FINAL descission!!!!


Ok thats a negatory on the wrasse then...
1guydude this is the zebra I'm referring too:
I guess here they are calling it a Zebra Goby but on another site where I originally found it they are calling it a Zebra Dartfish (I'm positive that they are the same fish since I checked their scientific name and its the same). If you say that this Zebra might school with the Firefish, then I might go with 2 fires and this zebra, if not, then 3 fires it is. So unless there are any other glaring problems I think this is what my overall goal looks like:
Coral Beauty or Lemonpeel Angel (depending on which one is available a my LFS when I'm ready to get one).
Royal Gramma
False Clowns x2
Firefish Gobies x3 (or x2 and a Zebra Goby).
Bi-Color Blenny
Yellow Tail Damsel*
Turbo Snails x2
Skunk Shrimp x2
Arrow Crab
Feather Duster (hardtube) x3
10 small hermits and 10 small snails for CUC (with extra shells of course).
Once the tank has matured for a few months then:
Spotted Linkia
Serpent Star
*The reason why that damsel is there is because I already have him lol... he's not being aggressive to his tankmate (the mean blue damsel that will be swapped out when I'm ready to add my next fish) so I'll wait and see how he behaves when I add the firefish. If he behaves then he can stay.
I'm also thinking that if the Arrow Crab behaves itself then maybe I'll see how a Sexy Shrimp or two might do... since they're small I think I can get away with it without overloading the tank.


Active Member
Not a lunar wrasse, sixline wrasse, or so on. I also did say that some species are perfectly suitable and are a great option.


Some wrasses are aggressive. Flashers and fairies are definitely not, especially with the other things going in the tank. You will need a net/mess/eggcrate top for the firefish as well, so this shouldn't be a factor in your decision. Honestly, I'd go with a wrasse over a cardinal or dartfish, it will add a lot of life and color to the tank.


Hey all, so I've decided I'm not going to include corals in my current tank. Now that the "reef safe" restriction is being lifted on my list, are there any fish that you all could recommend I'd look into? I'd still want to make sure that the fish wouldn't go after my shrimps and crabs though.