My fish, lets see yours.



Originally Posted by juniors04
Love your Powder Blue Tang looks real healthy. Did you get it from this site?
Thanks. No, I got him from the LFS. Have had him in the DT for 6+ months.


Active Member
Nice pictures Spanko! How do the like the mystery wrasse? Is that what it is? I have thought about getting them but can't get over the price tang.


Active Member
I have read some people that have one that say they are the kings of the tanks. Mine just seems to be content to swim around looking for things to eat in the rock and sand. They are beautiful fish, add a lot of color and movement. When I first got mine my peppermint shrimp and my pom pom crab immediately became good eats for him. I knew this was a possiblilty but I have also read that them being in the tank first before adding the warsse may save them. Didn't!!! I would do it again though because I like the fish more than the inverts.


Active Member
Cool, thanks Spanko. Yes I think they are interesting fish. Defiently their color stands out. How much did you pay for yours?


Junior, I'm in love with your dog. I sent you PM.
J-ville, that's a really cool looking hippo. The colors are so perfect.