my fish wish list


Active Member
I am not concerned about the anemone being eaten. I am concerned about water quality and lack of lighting. Anemones need VERY GOOD water quality (not typical of aggressive tanks) and very intense lighting (also not commonly found on FO need for it). I would strongly discourage keeping an anemone in there. I doubt it would live long term, and the clowns certainly do not need it.
IMO, your stocking list is quite heavy for a 100g, IMO, it is significantly overstocked.


yeah wasnt too sure if clown NEEDED anemones or not. but its good to know that they dont. its money saved especially if it is likely to get eaten anyway


I take my "definitely" eaten comment back, it wouldn't for sure be eaten, but everytime I've tried a puffer with an anenome, the puffer developed a "taste" for them. Could just be my luck.


sounds like the kind of luck i would have lol.
you mentioned glass cleaning and sand sifting species..... what would you reccomend to get for this?


What size you get isn't so important as them being relative in size to each other. If they are all about the same size then they won't be so tempted to pick on each other.


I know that a lot of gobies will sandsift (not dragonets), you'll just have to check out what kind. I think that some blennies also sand sift, but I've never had either.
Tangs will eat algae, so they're pretty good for keeping that down, but they require a lot, so you'll have to supplement their diet too. For glass cleaning inverts, go turbo snails. Don't keep them in the main tank though, almost all of those fish will eat them. There are also some snails that will sand sift, nassarius snails for example. I've used these and they're wonderful.


Start 'em out small. It takes a while for them to get that big, and most don't get that big. You're probably safe to bet on 7-10 inches. The lion will get bigger though...probably 12-14 inches.