My fish wont eat


Active Member
The fish that came in today are doing great... but they wont eat... are they just stressed and they will eat tomorrow or is there a problem?


Active Member
im sorry. I went to feed them and go to bed and they are not eating. But I ordered fish from and they were delivered today


Active Member
What kind of fish are they?
How long and how did you acclimate them?
What is your nitrates, pH, ammonia, nitrite, kH and salinity of your tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish1031
im sorry. I went to feed them and go to bed and they are not eating. But I ordered fish from and they were delivered today
What kind did you get? I am assuming they are severely stressed? And assuming how you aclimated them and how soon they adjust to thier new surroundings it might take a few days, But wait and see, and what kind did you get? because worse comes to worse you can add suplliments to thier food to get stubborn eaters to eat, such as ENTICE and Garlic EXTREEME!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
What kind of fish are they?
they are a naso tang, blue hippo, royal gramma, firefish goby, and flame angel
How long and how did you acclimate them?
3 hrs
What is your nitrates, pH, ammonia, nitrite, kH and salinity of your tank?
i have no idea, but salinity 1.024


Active Member
Well, that is a ton of fish at once.
I strongly suggest you test your water levels so that you know if that is causing their low appetite.
I would not stress yet about their not-eating though. It may take up to a day or two for them to settle down and begin eating.


Active Member
i've learned that the hard way, i thought that was what you were supossed to do with this 80 dollar limit, but they have only been in the tank about 8hrs... So i will worry if they don't eat tomorrow i guess


Active Member
No worries, but definitely make sure that your water quality is okay. With that many fish added, you may have spiked your ammonia. You may want to take your water to a local fish store and have your water parameters tested. Ask them for the levels and post them so we know if you have any problems. If you do, we can help you correct them once we know the numbers of each level (if any are off).


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish1031
i've learned that the hard way, i thought that was what you were supossed to do with this 80 dollar limit, but they have only been in the tank about 8hrs... So i will worry if they don't eat tomorrow i guess

after an episode of the sailfin attacks today (i move sailfin to another tank)and shipping and a new home... I can see why they would be stressed,


Active Member
thanks you have been a great help. I will try to test them tomorrow and write it down to post. please come on tomorrow then. Also my water level is low should I fill it now or after I test it???


Active Member
Fill your water level now. Always make sure it is topped off, as this will effect salinity greatly.
Good luck, and see you tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by fish1031 http:///forum/thread/232410/my-fish-wont-eat#post_1776957
thanks you have been a great help. I will try to test them tomorrow and write it down to post. please come on tomorrow then. Also my water level is low should I fill it now or after I test it???
1700 posts and you ask and answer questions like a person just starting out so forgive me for assuming you may not know the following, I am not trying to insult you..just trying to help...Top off with RO water because salt evaporates not the salt, so keep the water level the same all the time by adding a little fresh RO water.
I don't know the size of your tank but I have never added more than 2 fish at one time. Your system needs to balance after you add something, you can' stock your tank all at once...GO SLOW
Even freshwater fish won't eat for 24 hours after arrival and feeding the fish at night is inviting pollution unless you are trying to feed your night critters. Ideally your fish should be in a QT for at least 3 weeks before you add it to the DT, since QTs are generally smaller than our main tanks, it helps us remember to only add one at a time and at the most two.
I know when you order from you want the free shipping and any other break in price. I make up the difference in CUC or coral. If you don't do coral and you don't need a CUC...I would just pay the shipping and bite the bullet. What good will it do to purchase $100.00 worth of fish to die...or take a chance of infecting all your fish from a stressed out new critter that could have who knows what bug. You took a huge risk.