my fish


heres the best pic i could get my camera seriously sucks and i dont have substrate or LR cause theyre going through hypo right now they had some ick issues but im slowly raising the salinity back up so i can add the LR back into the tank. ill post a way better looking pic when things get back up again cause this one looks a little sad

the first one is the obviously the full tank
the second one is the right side
and the third one is the left side



Active Member
Tank looks good.. Substrate live rock would make this tank beautiful.. Tank has great potential.


i have the LR its in a rubbermaid trashcan right now going fallow im going to add it back into the tank as soon as i get done with hypo, abd as far as the substrate i think im gonna keep it bare bottom i have a deep sand bed in the fuge, for me its easier to keep clean that way,


Active Member
How much longer is the hypo? I would probably go out and get some PVC fittings - they make large sizes...this would give the fish someplace to hide while in there.