Originally Posted by tnt
I've seen people talking about using garlic, but I wasn't sure how they used it. Are you talking about fresh garlic or that jarred stuff I've seen in the lfs?
you know im not sure either. what i do is take fresh garlic(from the supermarket) not jar, and remove the outer layers and take two spoons smash the garlic together and spread the "juice" so to speak all over the seaweed right before i put it in the clip( the same one you have, girlfriend wanted that one because of nemo, bet you cant guess why i have a blue hippo and a percula either :thinking: ) thats seems to work well, ive also found a new Formula 2 for herbivores with 2% garlic in it, i havent used it much yet, until my seaweed runs out. but the blue hippo loves the stuff(formula2). but she eats everything though.